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"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Kristen asks.

"Yes, Ray is here. I'll be fine." Lindsey nods.

"Alright, we'll be home around seven." Kristen smiles kissing him.

"See you then." Lindsey smiles.

"Bye Mrs. Buckingham," Ray calls.

"Bye Mr. Lindsey," Kristen yells back.

Five minutes after five, Lindsey and Ray watch a black Dodge Journey turn into the driveway and anticipation overcomes Lindsey. He's on the front steps before she can even get out of the car.

The young girl's brownie blonde hair is knotted from driving. Her brown tired eyes are hidden slightly by the glasses on her face, and the San Jose State hoodie is paired with black leggings and Adidas tennis shoes. Lindsey notices that she's the spitting image of her mother when she slings the brown leather bag over her shoulder. Brown meets Blue and when the man opens his arms, her tears start to fall, and she runs gently into his arms. Her head landing at his healing heart. Her adoptive father never hugged her once.

"Why are you crying?" Lindsey sniffles his own tears threatening to fall.

"I'm just so happy." Felicity shakes her head.

"Well, let's go inside." Lindsey laughs.

Diane the cook is quick to ask if Felicity needs anything. Felicity only says tea and the father and daughter find themselves sitting on Kristen's eclectic looking couch.

"I um...I don't know where to start." Felicity blushes sheepishly.

"Well, tell me about yourself. Then I'll tell you about me. Like an interview." Lindsey suggests.

"Okay, um...Well, I grew up in Palo Alto. My adoptive mother was a journalist for the evening paper. My adoptive father is an engineering professor at San Jose State." Felicity shrugs.

"I also grew up in Palo Alto, my mom worked at a dress shop and my dad owned a coffee plant. I had two brothers, one passed away in 1999." Lindsey replies.

"I...am allergic to chlorine, I swam competitively from age eight to fourteen but when I was fourteen my body decided it didn't like Chlorine My skin likes to burn off when it's been in Chlorine for too long. If I swallow it, I'm done-zo." Felicity explains.

"I swam competitively all through middle and high school. My brother Greg, the one that passed away was an Olympic silver medalist. Any other hobbies." Lindsey lays back a bit.

"I've danced since I was three. I teach it now. I love to write. I love singing. I learned guitar in high school. Now I also play and sing in a bar, collecting tips. Clem's" Felicity mimics her dad.

"That's still there! I used to play there in my 20s. What music do you like?" Lindsey looks at her.

"Well...actually...my adoptive mom was a big fan of Fleetwood Mac. She raised me on that, your solo career, Stevie's, Tom Petty, and the Eagles. My mom loved you like literal celebrity crush." Felicity laughs.

"Well, I'm flattered. Favorite Fleetwood Mac song?" Lindsey winks.

"Sisters of the moon or Seven Wonders depends on my mood. I really like Slow Dancing." Felicity grins.

"Ooh, songs that aren't really popular, I was expecting Landslide or Rhiannon and Holiday Road." Lindsey nods his head.

"I mean they're good but..." Felicity shakes her head.

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