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Walking into the diner, Felicity smiled. The job sucked, but it was by far her favorite behind the Dance Studio. They sat at the long table and a young lady smacking her gum, her cellphone sticking out of her apron pocket walked over to them. 

"Good Afternoon, Welcome to the Diner I'm Julie whatcha want?" She asks. Felicity sits up straighter and slightly glares at the young woman. 

"Whatcho problem?" She smacks her gum. 

"My problem is that you're on the floor with your cellphone sticking out of your apron. You're chewing your gum like a cow and that was not the nicest way to ask for our drink orders." Felicity replies. 

"Mind yourself and tell me what you want." She demands.

"I want to talk to Nell," Felicity argues. 

The girl huffs and stomps her way to the back. Both Stevie and Felicity looking mortified. "You had a problem with Julie?" Nell asks as Felicity peers around her mother and stares at her. 

"TEE!" Nell cheers as Felicity stands up from her chair and wraps her arms around the older woman. 

"Hey, yeah I did. Her cellphone is sticking out of her pocket." Felicity points. 

"Yes, I've already warned her about that." Nell nods glaring at the young girl. 

"And she was extremely rude when she asked for our drink orders and God spit out your damn gum," Felicity says quickly as the smack...smack...smack becomes evident. 

"I just got off break and I don't want my breath to stink is there a problem?" She questions. 

"There's only a problem when you chew like a horse." Stevie pipes up from the table. 

"Stay out of this." Julie squawks. 

"Excuse me, I may have been a waitress back in the seventies when times were different but we had boundaries. Don't chew on the floor, and when you ask for a drink order you say, 'Hello, my name is Stephanie...I'll be your server this afternoon can I start you with a drink we have coke products, coffee, iced tea, and several options of hot tea. Or could I get you a handmade milkshake.'" Stevie replies coldly. 

"Julie, I'll take this table. Why don't you go home early and before your shift tomorrow we'll have a talk. I'm sorry but this isn't the first table that has complained about you." Nell sighs as the waitress huffs and storms away. 

"I'm so sorry about her. Hi, I'm Nell. I know Adam, Brooke, and the kids very well. I've met Lindsey was it once?" She points to Lindsey.

"Yeah, I had my wife and other kids with me. Nell this is Stephanie, Felicity's mother." Lindsey replies.

"It is so nice to meet you and if I do say so myself, Felicity looks so much like you." Nell grins as Felicity takes her seat. 

"Thank you." Stephanie smiles. 

"So, can I start you with a drink, we have Coke Products, Coffee, Iced Tea, Tea, or could I interest you in a handmade Milkshake?" She questions as Stevie smirks.

"Yes...I'll have raspberry iced tea Nell, Mom?" Felicity starts as they go down the line. 

"I'll do the same please." Stevie grins.

"Regular Coke." Lindsey.

"Chocolate Milk." Carter

"Regular Coke." Adam.

"Water with Lemon." Brooke

"apple juice." Macey. 

"I'll be right back with those and give you a moment to look at the menu." Nell smiles walking away. 

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