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By the time May rolled around, she had known the Buckingham's for four months and they had taken her in completely. Lindsey put her on his phone plan and got her a gold iPhone 8. He was willing to spring for the X but Felicity insisted that the free 8 was perfectly fine. He also bought her a new laptop, she got an HP refusing to get a Mac. Her whole thing was that she didn't want them spending more money on her than necessary. 

 She had spent Easter with the family and Kristen took her shopping to do up her room. Kristen wanted to go all out, but Felicity put her foot down and said that Bed, Bath, and Beyond would be enough. They ended up painting the previously bland guest room, a lilac-y purple. She got white dressers and a white desk. Her bedspread was simple it was grey but it had lace detailing all over it.  There was a black dream catcher on the wall over the bed and there were pictures of her family and little statues of elephants sprawled on top of the dressers. The room was big enough that it would fit her futon and her club chair, and Paul would be bringing everything else to Los Angeles during mothers day weekend. 

It was currently May 5th, her last dance show at The San Francisco School of Dance. Lindsey, Kristen, and the kids were right in the middle and she was able to see them from any angle on the stage. She opened the show with a solo number. It was Beauty and the Beast, Felicity was the sorceress that cast the spell on the beast. It was a lyrical number put to the music of The Rose by Bette Midler, and during her final pose, it was bittersweet. She was on one knee, the other turned out in the front of it. The rose held up to the light. She turned her head to the side and looked towards the audience. She made eye contact with Lindsey and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. 

Her final dance of the night she wasn't supposed to be in, but she had choreographed the senior number and her girls insisted that she be a part of it as it was her final number with the San Francisco branch. She had laid out several songs for her girls to chose from, but the one that they chose was close to her heart. Beauty and the Beast by Stevie Nicks was a song that Charlotte had played a lot towards her death and it held a special place. It was the spell lifting. The girls were dressed in blue and purple dresses that mirrored Felicity's red-colored dress but she stood out compared to the girls.  As they were taking their final bows, Lindsey was still crying and the audience was giving a standing ovation. 

The Finale was blurry to Felicity, but she was taken out of her memories when Lydia directed everything to her. 

"Felicity Keith has been dancing with us since she was just a tiny sprout. She started dancing at the San Francisco School of Dance when she was just three and here we are twenty-one years later and she's still a giant part of the San Francisco School of Dance family. Miss. Felicity choreographed the gorgeous senior dance this year along with several lyrical numbers, her solo, the be our guest jazz number and the tap numbers. Sadly, we do have to say goodbye to Miss. Felicity because she was given a job in Los Angeles and she'll be moving there in the coming months. She has gladly though, accepted a position at our sister company the Los Angeles School of Dance. We are sad to see her go, and maybe someday she'll find her way back to us. I can't wait to see the talent you bring to the Los Angeles School of Dance, but you will surely be missed here. We love you, Felicity." Lydia says hugging the young teacher as Macey toddles towards them. 

"This is, Macey, Macey is Felicity's niece and she wanted to give the flowers to her Auntie tonight. " Lydia laughs, with tears in her eyes, Felicity bends down towards Macey and takes her into her arms hugging her tightly. 

Unbeknownst to anyone, Lindsey snapped several pictures of Macey and Felicity that night and while they were waiting for Felicity he had hoped that he could at least get a glimpse of his son, but nothing was working. 

Felicity came bounding out of the dressing room dressed in, a short red skirt with black detailing on it, a black lace tank top and her black knee-high four-inch high heeled platform boots. She had her hair done down for the show, a rose embellishment was essentially sewn into the right side and it fell in blonde waves down her back. 

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