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The fact that her daughter had met her father but not herself is causing Stevie to freak out. She wants to meet her so badly but Lindsey and her aren't on speaking terms right now and she doesn't0 blame him. She did some stupid things and as much as she regrets it she can't do anything about it now. She's already been sued to high heavens and Christine made her pay her part of the settlement as well. Claiming that she had no part in and she didn't want any part in it. She doesn't even really talk to Mike or Neil.  

Stevie was taking out of her thoughts when the door to the green room opened and her heart fluttered as soon as she saw the handful of people walking in. 

"Harry, Hi how are you!" Mick gasps when he sees the tall former boy bander. 

"I'm good. This is my mom Anne, and this is going to sound so weird...this is my accountant Adam Keith and his wife Brooke." Harry introduces them. 

"Your accountant?" Stevie asks. 

"Yeah,  Adam has been doing my finances since One Direction was at its pinnacle. Every year I treat them to something, last year was a European Cruise because Brooke was pregnant but I know that they're big Fleetwood Mac fans so this year I flew them out here to meet you guys." Harry explains. 

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Mick Fleetwood." Mick shakes his hand first and then when Stevie goes to take his hand she looks up into his eyes and tears fill her eyes and her hands come up to her mouth. 

"Stevie?" Christine asks. 

"Adam." She says tears now falling. 

"Uh...um." He clears his throat. 

"Adam, what's going on?" His wife grabs his bicep. When Stevie looks at her the tears fall harder she's gorgeous with breast length curled brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She's short wearing red pumps, black skinny jeans, and a black and white polka-dotted blouse. 

"Um..i'm not entirely sure." He looks between the two of them. Stevie just takes his face into her hands, he's tall and she has to stand on her tiptoes but she manages anyway and then she quickly takes him into her arms. 

"Do you guys know each other?" Mike questions. 

"A mother will always know her son," Stevie admits it, and it feels like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders and the room is filled with gasps. 

"IT MAKES SENSE!" Brooke yells. 

"What makes sense?" Adam looks to his wife. 

"How your whole life, your sister was always told she looked like Stevie Nicks. The musical talent that you two have. The fact that you play guitar like you were born with it attached to your body. Tee changed her name to Felicity Lillian Buckingham...Jesus christ it was staring us in the face." Brooke explains. 

"Tee changing her last name to Buckingham could me anything." Adam bellows. 

"Adam, a mother knows her son. I know that. She's your mother and Lindsey Buckingham is your father. If you wouldn't have burned that damn letter." Brooke growls. 

"Wait, I am so confused. What's everyone talking about?" Mick questions looking between Stevie and Harry's guests. 

"Um...everyone, let's have a seat...I have a lot of explaining to do. Back in 1994, just after I finished detoxing on the Klonapin, Lindsey had just gotten out of rehab for Alcohol Abuse. I was on the Street Angel tour and he showed up at one of my concerts. We slept together that night and about six weeks later I was calling him in a panic holding a positive pregnancy test. When I went to the doctor, we discovered that I was carrying twins. I thought about having a second abortion adding to my already long list of lost children. I mean I miscarried three times with Lindsey and I obviously aborted Don Henley's baby. I didn't believe that I could carry them to term but I couldn't. I couldn't willingly let them rip two more babies out of my body. I made it until about the eighth month and we were so excited to become parents. We had a nursery planned and we had the names picked out but I...I got scared and I expressed that to several people and somehow I was talked into putting them up for adoption. Adam Lindsey was born on May 22nd ten minutes before his twin sister Felicity Lillian. I had twins because of my age and the fact that I had released two eggs according to my doctor. But it didn't matter when I found out I was pregnant because it was my last chance and I...I blew it." Stevie sobs hands coming to her face. 

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