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July 25 2019-Felicity

"Why the fuck are we doing this?" Lindsey questions throwing the luggage in the back of the truck. 

"Because you and mom want to meet your grandkids. I actually got a few days off of work, five to be exact, thank god for vacation. And I'm itching to go back to San Francisco and see everyone. Not to mention Aunt Deb. Let's just go and get this over with." Felicity sighs climbing into the front seat of the truck. 

Pulling up to Stevie's house, Lindsey is timid. They didn't talk about the 250-pound elephant in the room when she showed up at his house and now he was showing up at hers about to embark on a six-hour trip with her locked in a truck. Their twenty-five-year-old daughter in the backseat.

Felicity gets out of the car and knocks on the front door where rapid yaps fill her ears. Her mother opens the door and beams encompassing her in a hug. 

"Hey, baby." Stevie smiles. 

"Are you ready for this?" Felicity questions pulling away. 

"I am...Lily, behave Karen will be by to get you later." Stevie kneels down to her dog and loves on her. 

Lindsey is leaning against the tailgate with the Tonel Cover rolled up and waiting for them. Stevie wheels her suitcase over and Lindsey hoists it up. Felicity grabs her pillow and a blanket and crawls into the back behind her mother's seat. Before Stevie goes to her side she grabs his bicep and he stops. They share a look and he deflates wrapping her in his arms. 

"I hope we get a chance to talk on this trip." She whispers against his chest. He just gives her a pursed smile before going to his side of the car. 


Four hours in, Lindsey calls back to his kid. 

"Two more hours, how are you holding up?" He questions. 

"I feel like I'm going to throw up. Would you oppose me driving the last two hours?" She replies sitting up from her laying position. 

"Honey if you're sick we shouldn't be on this trip." Stevie looks back at her. 

"It's not that." Felicity shakes her head as Lindsey pulls over. 

"She gets carsick when she sits in the back for longer than two hours," Lindsey explains unbuckling himself. 

"The Pot-holes," Felicity adds placing her prescription aviator sunglasses on her face and climbs out switching spots with her father. 

"I get like that too. Drink some of this." Stevie replies slightly bending down and giving her a bottle. 

"What is it?" She asks wrinkling her nose. 

"It's a Sprite-Zero. I don't drink a lot of carbonated or alcoholic drinks anymore but when I go on vacation I indulge, and even though this isn't necessarily Hawaii or Italy, it's vacation none the less." Stevie explains as Felicity uncaps it and drinks out if. She slightly cringes but then she decides that it's her mother, they share blood, DNA, and at one point they shared a body and she came out of the said body. 

She hands the drink back to her mother and then merges back onto the freeway. 

When they pull into the driveway of Adam and Brooke's Atherton home Felicity leans back in her seat and takes her sunglasses off. She hadn't been to that home in a while and the two-story white brick is staring at her. 

"Are we all going to fit in here?" Lindsey questions peering over Stevie's shoulder. 

"When I talked to Brooke she said they had enough room. I don't necessarily know what it means but..." Stevie shrugs. 

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