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January 21st, 2020

The Holidays went over well. William and Adam hit it off and Adam was even able to get a building for Keith Accounting over in Los Angeles. Adam stayed with his dad and his sisters while he was in Los Angeles, for Brooke's own sanity and when Adam was at Lindsey's house, Stevie also found herself at Lindsey's house. 

Lindsey and Stevie had for all intents and purposes got back together. They were sharing a bed, holding hands, kissing each other, and cuddling on the couch. She had pretty much made herself and her dog a permanent fixture in the house. 

The four of them, as Stella was with her mom this week were watching the news in the living room, when Felicity's heart fell to her stomach.

"We're here live from San Jose State where the university is in an uproar over one professor. 20 former students and three current students have just come out to the university over sexual harassment allegations against Engineering professor Bryan Keith." 

The phone in Felicity's hand fell to the floor and Adam just stood there mouth agape. Lindsey and Stevie were sharing looks over their kids and then Felicity's cell phone started ringing. Stevie was sitting next to her and the look on her daughter's face was clearly distressful so she bent down and saw the name on the screen. She swiped to answer it.

"Deb, Hi. It's Stevie." 

"We just found out." Deb states.

"We did too, and Tee's not doing too well. They're both like in shock but Felicity's like frozen staring at the TV. Adam is at least blinking.  Did they know, did Charlotte know?" Stevie questions.

"No, the kids certainly didn't. I don't know if Charlotte did or not." Deb sighs.

"What's going to happen now?" Stevie leans back into the couch.

"They're probably going to move to investigation and trial. I don't know what's going to happen but he very well may lose his job. If it was sexual discrimination it wouldn't be that big of a deal but because it was sexual harassment I don't know what's going to happen. But Stevie, all I know is those kids are going to need all the support they can get." Deb sighs.

"You're right. Hey, I'll have Felicity call you back Adam's starting to stir and I think he wants to say something." Stevie sighs back.

"Alright." Deb hangs up. 

"We need to go back to San Jose State and make a formal apology," Adam replies.

"Adam, it's not our responsibility," Felicity replies.

"But it is because it's our family name. My kids are Keiths, I'm a Keith...it's going to tarnish the name. Brooke could lose her job." Adam starts.

"I don't think it'll be that extreme." Lindsey shakes his head.

"Depends on the sexual harassment that was done," Adam interjects.

"Adam we had no knowledge of this. If any questions like that arise we can flat out say that we had no knowledge...unless, did you know?" Felicity looks to her brother. 

"I didn't know but I had a suspicion." Adam shakes his head.

"You had a suspicion but you didn't tell anyone..." Lindsey interjects.

"Well I mean, I always found it weird how he had been Charlotte's TA. He physically taught a class that she took. Then when we were in college, my friend Ralph used to tell me how his sister always hated going to Bryan's class because every time she'd go up to hand him a paper or collect a paper he'd touch her shoulder and run his hand down her lower back. But I never paid much mind to it, because at the time we knew that Bryan was gay...at least bisexual, because he was with Derrick." Adam sighs.

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