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It was Sunday and they had two more days left at Brook and Adam's home. Stevie, Lindsey, and Felicity were in the truck and Adam, his wife and kids were in their Range Rover, driving to go to Deb and Paul's. Lindsey had met them already so he was perfectly fine and happy to go back there. He and Paul had hit it off and they'd been talking to each other via phone monthly, Paul checking up on Felicity and all of that. Felicity was bouncing in her seat as she was so excited to see her Aunt and Uncle. Stevie, on the other hand, felt like she was going to throw up. She woke up to Lindsey stroking her back this morning and she was so happy and had been stealing small kisses from him all day while her kids weren't paying attention but then she heard the phone call between Felicity and Deb. She had said that her, her brother, and his family would like to come over for family Sunday supper.  Stevie nor Lindsey was not once mentioned in the conversation and she was thinking that it was because Felicity wasn't happy with her or something. But then she came down the stairs wearing Stevie's dress and a jean jacket so she was confused and all of the thoughts were filling her head and she wasn't liking it. 

When the two cars pulled up into the driveway Stevie was shaking, but Lindsey just took her hand and she knew that it would all be okay, but she was still meeting the person that practically raised her kid. 

As they approached the house they could hear Chandler and Micah in the backyard laughing and giggling at something which was surprising because those boys did not like playing outside. Felicity just walked in and smirked as Stop Draggin My Heart Around was filling the room. Felicity looked towards her mother who just had a shocked look on her face.

"AUNT DEB!" Felicity calls. A pan clatters and a woman about five-four comes running in and wrapping her arms around Felicity. They sway together for at least five minutes before Deb pulls away. 

"Let me look at you, you look amazing. Did you dye your hair or have you been sitting out in the sun, it's lighter than normal." Deb asks. 

"No, I've been sitting in the sun. But don't you think blonde looks better than brownie blonde?" She asks. 

"You look lovely and this dress where'd you get it?" Deb questions, eyeing the black chiffon dress.

"This is actually my mom's." Felicity smiles looking over to Stevie. Deb's eyes follow and she gawks before slowly making her way over to the record player and knocking it off the track.

"Hi I'm Stevie Nicks, It's nice to meet you." Stevie smiles. 

"Debra, why'd we stop Stevie...Oh." A man follows her into the living room. 

"Paul it's nice to see you," Lindsey smiles going over and doing the man-hug thing that Felicity never understood. 

"Hey, how's the family?" Paul asks. 

"They're good. Upset that I didn't take them on this trip but we really didn't have enough room. Paul, Deb this is Stevie Nicks. Felicity's biological mother." Lindsey finally directs the whole family. 

"It's so nice to meet you both and thank you so much for taking care of my little girl." Stevie goes and hugs both of them. 

"Alright, so now that that's settled...where are the boys?" Felicity questions. 

"Well, when you left the boys got antsy and slightly lonely because of where we live there aren't any kids around here and you were really their only form of non-electronic entertainment...so we got a dog, An Australian cattle dog. You should see the way she herds the two boys." Deb explains. 

"Awe that's cute what's her name?" Felicity coos. 

"Piper Pawsey." Paul grins. 

"Daddy and I have a black lab named Toby. As a result, we don't wear white in our house." Felicity beams. 

"If I recall correctly you've always wanted a Yorkie but you couldn't take care of one because of your jobs," Paul says. 

"Oh, I still do." Felicity smiles. 

"You've not me Lily yet." Lindsey scoffs. 

"Lily, like mom's dog?" Felicity questions. 

"Correct, they're mean," Lindsey states. 

"Lily and I got along well when we visited her," Brooke replies going back to the record player and restarting Bella Donna. 

"Then she must just not like me." Lindsey pouts going towards the kitchen. Adam and Paul trailing behind him. 

"Anyway, so Stevie, how's the tour going," Debra asks.

"I miss Lindsey...I really do, but Mike, Neil, and I are good friends so...I don't know, I know why I fired him and I know for a fact I don't want to work with him ever again because we don't work well together, but it's odd going on tour and him not being there." Stevie sighs placing her head in her hands. 

"He has no desire to go back to work. But that's okay, we have money saved up...If we sell the house that's more money that we have." Felicity shrugs. 

"Sell the house?" Debra questions. 

"Dad's been talking about selling our house in Brentwood. It's time, it's seven-bedrooms six bathrooms. Leelee is required to live on campus for two years but she's already talking about getting an apartment. William has an apartment, eventually, I'm going to get one...I can't live with my parents for the rest of my life. With his heart, I'd feel more comfortable in a single-story personally." Felicity replies.

"What's rent like in Los Angeles, I mean here it's about four thousand a month and you were struggling to pay that." Deb questions. 

"Well, in Brentwood where we live now it's about seven thousand a month. I work in Westwood which averages about six thousand a month.  But I'm also making more. I'm working in a record store and he pays me 25 dollars an hour because if I don't have a client, he makes me work in the shop. My clients pay me by the hour depending on the service. Cheapest is 50 dollars an hour the most expensive is 350 an hour. As for the Los Angeles School of Dance, that salary hasn't changed I get 50 dollars per class I teach, plus minimum wage. Right now, I have about three thousand saved up, dad wants me to wait until I've paid you back for the car, which I'm close two more months, and he wants me to pay my student loans, in all honesty, though he's willing to support me for the rest of his life as long as I pitch in for gas, groceries, and things like that. Kristen's the one that wants me out." Felicity shrugs. 

"Yeah but Tee, that makes sense." Brooke chimes in. 

"How does that make sense?" Debra asks. 

"The specter of Stevie." Brooke looks to her mother in law. 

"The what?" Deb looks between the other three women. 

"The Specter of Stevie, Lindsey still loves her, and she knows. She being both Stevie and Kristen. William was an accident, Lindsey probably would not have committed to her if Will was not in the picture.  If we think about this, Carol Ann Harris was the spitting image of Stevie. Kristen is a close second. Blonde hair brown eyes petite build. Felicity is just another link to Stevie." Brooke explains. 

"I...I mean, she's not wrong. I mean I kind of am the spitting image" Felicity chimes in. 

"I just think it's unfair that Kristen holds you to that standard because she knows how hard you've struggled." Stevie finally chimes in.

"I'm used to it though, Bryan was no different," Felicity replies.

"Girls, the pulled pork is done." Paul peeks his head in.

After they eat their dinner, Adam goes out to his car and returns with his guitar and, Paul hands one to Lindsey.

"What are we playing?" Lindsey questions. 

"Something that allows me to hear my Little TeeBird sing." Paul winks. 

"Well do we all know the chain?" Lindsey asks. 

"I can do the bass part." Paul winks as Lindsey nods. 

"I...2...1...2...3...go." Lindsey counts and starts strumming. 

As Felicity sings, Stevie joins on Harmony and she has to wipe a tear from her eye at several instances. 

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