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"Stevie does Lindsey have another child?" Lori asks out of the blue, causing Stevie to pause.

Stevie's home for a short amount of time, well it was supposed to be shorter but Pneumonia changed things. It hit her hard this time and she didn't know if she would make it or not. But now she's better in a way and she's harboring visitors. Harry Styles, her and Mick's 'love-child', Sheryl Crow,  Sharon, Marilyn, and Lori and Jessie Nicks were staying at her house. She didn't know why, they had their own Los Angeles homes, but she didn't mind the company. Especially since the rest of Fleetwood Mac, minus Mike Campbell were already over in Europe. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Stevie cocks an eyebrow. 

"Well, I'm kind of still friends with him and Kristen and the kids on Facebook and things just aren't adding up," Lori explains chucking her phone onto the coffee table. 

"What's going on?" Stevie leans back against the couch cushions. 

"Yeah I'm pretty good friends with Lindsey and he's never mentioned another child. Only William, LeeLee, and Stella." Harry chimes in. 

"Well, let's facebook stalk shall we." Sheryl smiles grabbing Karen's laptop which had been broadcasting on Stevie's smart TV. 

"Who should we look up first?" Sheryl asks her fingers ready to type 

"William." Lori answers. 

Stevie felt odd watching them scroll through William's facebook, she had considered him like her own son before certain circumstances that she kind of regrets arose. 

"Wait..." Karen says as Sheryl stops scrolling. 

It was a video of a young girl dancing in the living room to Lady Gaga's 'Do what you want'  from May 22nd and the caption was. 

You better do what you want on your twenty-fifth birthday...I love your flexible little ass. 

"It's probably his girlfriend." Karen shrugs.

"Karen, Will's only twenty-one. If she's twenty-five she's close to my age. I can't see Will dating someone that much older than him. Especially because his father married someone half his age." Jessie answers. 

"Well, let's keep going," Sheryl says starting to scroll again coming to a stop at another post from January this time.

Felicity Keith we miss you already! We had a great time with you this weekend and we can't wait to see you again. We love you.

There were a shit ton of pictures in that post and just by looking at one of Lindsey and the girl Stevie knew, and it took everything in her bones to stop herself from bolting up out of the house and driving the twelve minutes to Brentwood herself, even though she hasn't driven since the seventies. 

"Click on the girl," Stevie demands sitting up straighter and slightly more alert. 

Sheryl tries and they receive an error message saying the account was no longer in service. 

"Well, who's next?" She asks tapping her fingers on the wooden table.

"Lee." Harry says.

Leelee's first post was from her graduation and it was Lindsey, LeeLee, Stella, and Felicity all beaming with pride while Leelee held her diploma up high. The caption read,

I did it! I am so glad that my family got to be with me today and watch me get my diploma. I can't wait to go forward at USC and get my Music Therapy degree. 

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