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Stevie made them promise that they would come backstage again after the concert. She needed to try and win their favor. She was absolutely hurting, because of the cold exterior that first greeted her but she was excited. This was going to be a challenge and she was so ready for it. 

She had changed from her stage clothes and was pacing in her dressing room hoping to God that they would show up. 

"Stevie we're going to have to leave soon." Karen sighs.

"No, they're coming. They told me they would." She replies.

They wait for several more minutes before Stevie falls in defeat on the couch and hugs her dog Lily, close to her chest. She had tears in her eyes and her heart was breaking she wanted her kids.

She was just about to give up and leave when a tentative knock came at the door. She perked up and Karen went to answer the door. 

"Adam, Brooke come in. We're getting ready to leave though." She sighs. 

"We understand, we're sorry it took so long. We wanted you to be set when we got here. Like showered, changed clothes and all of that." Adam shrugs. 

"I don't shower at the venues I shower at the hotel...would you guys like to come back with me. I'm in the presidential suite and I have a little kitchen area where I can cook." Stevie bites her lip. 

"I don't care what we do as long as I get to snuggle this little cutie." Brook coos letting the dog sniff her hand before eventually taking her from Stevie. 

"This is Lily." Stevie coos. 

"Oh, that's so funny." Brooke laughs. 

"What?" Stevie questions slinging her purse over her shoulder.

"Felicity's middle name is Lillian which is the long-form of Lily and her cat is named Lily," Adam explains. 

"Oh, she has a cat?" Stevie questions cocking her eyebrow. 

"She has two...Poe and Lily." Brooke smiles. 

"Why cats?" Stevie wrinkles her nose. 

"Mom...she was working three jobs. Cats take care of themselves." Adam says taking the bag from her as the group leaves the dressing room. She doesn't know if he knows he said it, but when he did she felt her heart flutter and about burst out of her chest. 

"So where are you guys staying?" Stevie questions. 

"Harry's house. I have the address, I just have to give it to a cab driver or something when we leave your place." Adam shrugs. 

"Well, you could stay at the hotel with me. I'm sure Karen can get you a room." Stevie presses looking at them.

"It's a sweet sentiment but we probably can't afford it." Adam shakes his head. 

"No...I'll pay," Stevie says quickly. 

"We can't ask you to do that." Brooke shakes her head. 

"No...I...I want to, it's the least that I can do." Stevie smiles. 

"But we won't have any of our clothes or anything," Brooke replies. 

"The hotel has shampoo and stuff. I saw a little sign in my bathroom that said the desk can give you a toothbrush if you need one. I don't care if you wear the same clothes two days in a row. I have a nightgown that Brooke could wear if she'd like." Stevie says quickly. 

"Alright, if Karen can get us a room we'll stay." Adam gives in as they crawl in the back of the SUV. 

"So what do you want for dinner?" Stevie asks.

Finding MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora