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November 20, 2019

Because so many people were getting in on the 20th, the family just decided to order pizzas. Adam and Stella were still awkward around each other but they were getting along well. Felicity was worried about Leelee though. Sure the two of them are on good terms now, but in the beginning, they weren't and she's worried more so about the kids than her brother and sister-in-law. 

The family was watching Family Feud in the livingroom the pizzas littering the coffee table when a knock came at the door. Stevie stood to get it and as soon as she opened the door, Brooke hugged her as did the kids but she took Gemma right into her arms. The baby was almost one but not quite and they were all relishing in it. 

"Alright, so you and Adam are in the guest room. Macey and Carter are in Felicity's room. Gemma, she can either sleep with you and Adam or Lindsey and I will take her." Stevie explains. 

"I vote mom and dad take her!" Adam calls from the livingroom. 

"I didn't bring the travel crib. I don't think they're going to want to sleep-sleep with her." Brooke explains.

"No, Lindsey and I, if we had kept the twins were going to co-sleep. We have a king there's plenty of room. Honestly." Stevie says. 

"Well, I'm game." Brooke shrugs. 

"Great, I'll show you to all the rooms." Stevie leads her up the stairs. 

When Stevie and Brooke were out of earshot Adam turns to his sister and father. "Does she like live here too?" 

"Only this week. Maybe until Christmas, I don't know...She has a key and we're going to give a relationship one last try so we'll see." Lindsey explains. 

"Well, just don't have sex in front of my baby." Adam states. 

"Why not, we had sex infront of you." Lindsey shrugs. 

"You what?" Felicity gasps.

"Yeah, your mother wanted you two out so we had sex to induce labor. It worked you guys were born twenty-four hours later." Lindsey explains. 

"Okay, but we were...we were in mom, not like, able to see it with our own eyes." Adam grimaces. 

"Same thing, you were still there," Lindsey smirks and Adam whines right as Stevie and Brooke walk back in.

"What's the matter?" Brooke asks going to kiss her stomach. 

"I told dad not to have sex infront of my baby and I found out more than I wanted." He pouts.

"Me too," Stella says from her spot on the floor.

"What did you find out?" Brooke questions.

"I found out that they had sex to induce labor. It didn't sit well with me." He shakes his head.

"Well, sex does induce labor. It releases oxytocin which is what causes contractions and sperm is a great cervix softener." Brooke explains. 

"I mean honey, it's only natural that what causes it ends it." Stevie pats Adam's shoulder and kisses his head.

"I thought my parents talking about sex was bad, but I was wrong, dad talking about having sex with another woman is worse. I'm going to my room." Stella pouts standing up and quickly walking to the stairs. 

"Wait, I need to introduce you to everyone." Lindsey scolds as the grandkids, minus Gemma who was still comfortably sitting on Stevie's hip, make their way into the living room to greet everyone.

"Alright, so Carter, Macey I would like you to meet your Aunt Stella." Lindsey introduces. 

"Awe I have another Aunt. Do I have an uncle?" Carter whines. 

"You do have an Uncle but you also have another aunt. She'll be here in a little bit." Stevie messes up his hair. 

"And you have Uncle Luke, my brother." Brooke points out. 

"Yeah but Uncle Luke isn't fun." Carter pouts.

Brooke and the kids had started eating pizza when the front door opened and Leelee made herself known.

"Hey Lee, you're rooming with Stella," Lindsey calls. 

"Why?" She whines making her way into the living room. 

"Because there's too many of us. Tee has to sleep on the chaise." Lindsey points to the piece of furniture.

"And I'm not looking forward to it." Felicity grimaces as her half-sister comes into view. 

"Holy shit you look just like William, thinner face but you look just like William." Leelee looks at Adam.

"Leelee this is Adam your half-brother. This is his wife Brooke and their kids, your nieces and nephew, Carter, Macey, and Gemma." Lindsey explains. 

"BABY!" Leelee flies right over to Stevie and sits on the arm of the couch next to her. She starts playing with the little creature and she eventually takes her out of Stevie's hands.

"Okay, honest question...is it bad that I don't want to go to mom's?" Leelee questions after a moment.

"I mean, not but why don't you want to go to mom's?" Lindsey replies.

"I just...I don't like her boyfriend and Brentwood's so far away from USC and I just don't feel comfortable at that house." Leelee explains.

"At least call her and explain that because I know she wants to see you and maybe she'll agree to meet you for lunch or something while you're here. But if you run into her on the streets or at the gas station before you leave, well all hell may break loose and I'm going to be the one to hear about it." Lindsey answers. 

"I guess I can do that. Are we going Black Friday Shopping?" Leelee questions starting to bounce the baby. 

"I'm planning on going with Stevie." Stella grins.

"I'm going because I'm going to sleep like shit on that chaise and I'll simply just be awake. And plus it's not every day that you get to shop with Stevie Nicks." Felicity shrugs.

"Oh no, you don't understand. I'm Stevie Nicks, we don't go Black Friday shopping until around four in the afternoon when the crowd clears. And even then we take a car and we're surrounded by three bodyguards." Stevie explains.

"Momma, can I go with Gramma?" Macey asks.

"Black Friday Shopping, I don't know it doesn't seem too...safe." Brooke looks to Stevie and shrugs.

"You can go too. All of us girls can, Lori and Sharon included. You boys can play football or something in the back yard." Stevie states.

"I prefer soccer but I'll play anything." Lindsey shrugs.

"Can you?" Adam questions.

"Can I what?" Lindsey crosses his arms.

"Do Physical Activity like that." Adam states.

"Adam, I was cleared for Sex in July....I think I can play soccer." Lindsey states. 

Just then all of Lindsey's children in the room groan and Stella throws a pillow at him before traipsing up the stairs for the night. 

"Your 70 and Stevie's what 72?" Leelee wrinkles her nose.

"71, but who's counting," Stevie smirks from her spot. 

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