All of the prizes prepared in the lottery were interactions with Kongpob and no prize was the same. It ranged from a hand holding to serenades. Arthit's palms were a little sweaty when it was his turn. As the last to pick, everyone was excited on what he'll get. He felt a little stupid for feeling nervous. Mentally scolding himself, he approached the box and picked as quickly as he could. He didn't want to look at what he got and hyperventilate so he gave it to the MC.

The MC looked at Arthit and then at Kongpob. He didn't say anything at first.

"Nong Kongpob really is something. Do you what he put as a prize?" He just smiled and then looked at Jennie, the other celebrity who was with them. There was something about his smile that had Arthit looking at Kongpob questioningly.

Kongpob laughed and from his expression, he knew what the MC was talking about. Arthit was itching to know what the heck he picked.

"You guys might accuse me of planning this but I did not plan this nor the staff. This is a lottery and Nong Kongpob personally chose the prizes and put it all in that box. He also did not know his friend was a fansite master. Remember that."

"PinkCoffee you got a dinner date with Kongpob."

"I got a what?!" Arthit asked aloud. He didn't need a microphone to be heard by everyone onstage.

By this time, no one could blame the crowd going on full blown hysteria. What are the odds of being picked for such a prize? Arthit was thinking the same. Is fate playing with him?

It was so loud that Arthit felt his ears ringing. He grimaced at the shrill screams filling up the venue.

The screams were deafening that the MC had to intervene. "Calm down people. We can't continue on with the program if you don't settle down."

At the MC's reminder, the fans settled down a bit until Kongpob made a move on him.

Arthit froze as an arm which belonged to Kongpob was hooked over his shoulder. "You're crazy Kongpob. This is crazy." The older male looked down. He cannot look at anyone.

Being used to the spotlight or simply because he just did not care about the reactions, Kongpob whispered, inciting more screams from everyone watching. "Hey! Don't go blaming on me. I did not pick your prize. You did."

"YOU are the one that offered those prizes. YOU are the one that wrote 'dinner date' not me." The older male countered with a slight elbow to the gut.

"Fate is smiling upon me. I get to go on a date with my favorite person."

Arthit was focusing on the floor. He could feel his face burning and he was sure as hell that his ears were red. He put his hands in his pockets, stopping himself from doing bodily harm to Kongpob for his antics. "I'm gonna die of embarrassment if this is some traditional dinner date."

"Don't worry P' Arthit. We can do what we want on our date."

"Nong Kong stop flirting with your friend. You'll have plenty of time later. Let's proceed with the High-Touch which is the last part of our event." Both Arthit and Kongpob looked away from each other. Kongpob appeared to be having fun and at ease despite the amount of attention. Arthit on the other hand want the ground to swallow him whole. There's only so much he could take.

"PinkCoffee please follow me." A staff approached Arthit. The male thought that he would be led back to his seat when he followed the staff member to the backstage. But from the path they took, it didn't seem to be the case. He was led to what looked like a dressing room.

There were a couple of people inside packing up. Arthit looked back at the staff that brought him there. "Aren't I supposed to be back to my seat?"

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