(Alejody) Alejandro x Cody

547 5 2

Requested by Nefra012

Reaction: Cody just needed a bodyguard because Sierra was becoming unbearable through out the season. So, nope.

Reason: Again, there isn't a single bit of chemistry between this two. They only needed each other, because Cody was easy to manipulate and Sierra is a stalker that didn't have a limit as to how much is too much stalking ('Til this day I feel sorry that Cody had to waste money on toothbrush, because that's the closest she was going to get to a kiss without Cody pushing her away). If anything they are better of being friends then actual lovers.

A/N: Hey, guys! As you all may know, COVID-19 (a.k.a. the coronavirus) has become a global epidemic and many countries have gone into national shutdown (such as Italy, Spain, even Puerto Rico, where I'm from). I just want you guys to know to please keep calm and to keep social distancing until this situation settles down. And also, as you all know, wash your hands and try not to touch your face. Hope you guys and your families are doing well. And to the doctors and nurses going through this, thank you so much for your help and bravery. I'll see you all on the next chapter. Ciao~

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