Gwen x Zoey

537 11 2

This was requested by YukikoOtonashii (Love you, girl)

Reaction: Honestly this could work, if its confirmed that both are bisexuals, pansexuals, possibly demisexuals as well, or just secret lesbians. But also I ship Gwent and Zoke more (literally first two chapters of this book).

Reason/small explanation: Okay so confession time, I'm not really a woman x woman shipper. Or more like I don't frequently ship girls with other girls. I'm more of a man x man shipper, escpecially with this fandom. I don't know really why I don't ship a lot of the female characters with other female characters, especially on this fandom, I guess I just see them as more like girl friends then girlfriends, if that makes sense. But there are a few out there that I find cute and that could possibly work, but I don't ship it 100%; like this one. Although I honestly think that this could work, but its more like 85-95% 'ship it'.

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