Chris x Himself and Blaineley x Herself

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Requested by JohnathenYoungs

Reaction: Its not like they can clone themselves and start dating itself. Wait a minute... The Ex-Files episode in TDWT... I mean, it might be possible, but I doubt they'll go for it.

Reason: Ok, let's face it. They love themselves a lot; they're just classic narcissists that way. But they wouldn't go as far dating their own self, because:

1) They're not that desperate.

2) They'll start fighting with each others clones over who is better. And we all know that the original is better (unless Blaineley's clone is nicer).

3) I'm guessing they're both straight, so that my block the sexual part of the relationship (especially in Chris' case), not that there needs to be.

4) Blaineley already has a "crush" on Justin. But since he is now around 20 - 22 years old (because of how in the Ridonculous Race it was revealed Owen, Noah, and Geoff are like 19 at the time), not much to freak out about, yet.

5) Chris likes to be with just himself, and Chef.

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