God, I hate my middle school self...

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Hi... it has been a while.

So apparently, people are still reading and commenting on this book. Which I am not sure if that makes me uncomfortable or, kind of, proud...? Proud that I wrote something a lot of people enjoy reading, well at least some people do (I know I don't). And uncomfortable because well... many of you have read what I wrote before.

Using terms like 'kawaii' to show how much I "love" certain ships, being in favor of some very toxic shippings, in my opinion, in this fandom (Sierra x Cody for instance), and then, the yaoi ships... God, why did I have to write this book back when I was 13-14 years old?!?! Honestly, I don't want to know how old I was exactly when I first started writing this.

Just reading the comments alone made me realize how weird and cringey I was. And I agree to those that wrote 'cringe' and 'toxic', and whatever term is used to vocalize how unbearable reading some of this opinions are. Frankly, I just want to rewrite this entire book, or at least some of the parts I wrote in the past.

Then again, the only time I have interest in writing something is when I have to do an essay on a scientific paper for collage. Not to mention, I am only interested in in Total Drama for nostalgia purposes at this point.

You know what, it does make me uncomfortable knowing that people are reading this. Well... hopefully some of you might take this as a "WHAT NOT TO DO" when you have way to much free time.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. This whole thing was just me venting about shit wrote in the past. Hope you're not traumatized.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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