Duncan x Geoff

454 7 6

Reaction: Huh. Well, they do have a lot in coming. Not sure if they'll last in a relationship.

Reason: Not much of a reason, but both of them already like somebody else. I mean Duncan won't stop thinking of Courtney obviously since the first season (and the whole break up with Gwen), and Geoff is still in a relationship with Bridgette. Both are pretty deep in that relationship (Geoff)/ Crush (Duncan). So I don't think they'll end up together. And even though I like to ship anything as long as the two characters have a d!¢£$, this just isn't one of my favorites. It's cute, but not like: "FAN FICTION GOLDMINE!" worthy.

A/N: Yep long update. Sorry, I had a lot of work in university, and presentations, and homework, and test... I wish I was back at high school. Anyhow, hope you have a lovely day!

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