Dawncan (Dawn x Duncan)

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Reaction: Aww, Dawn helping Duncan with his life and girl issues. Cute, and sweet. Maybe I'll ship them a little.

Reason: Them being friends isn't really a bad idea, sinse Duncan really needs help with all the drama he had when he was a kid all the way up to now. But that doesn't mean I ship them fully. Sinse, well, Duncan is a player and Dawn is a sweet little ray of sunshine, it's not the greatest idea for them to be together. Unless Duncan can get over Courtney, and Dawn has actual interest in the 'soft inside bad boy'. Which she, probably, is interested; thanks to Scott. Man those goo goo eyes Dawn did to Scott in TDROTI, the moment she found out he was a "beetle whisperer" (even after the episode was aired, I'm sort of questioning that gift of Scott's, just a little).
Again, don't ship them FULLY. Just like friends... -ish.

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