(Royal Godparent) Chef x Sofia the First

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Reaction: I'm so glad JohnathenYoungs told me this as a godparent and stepdaughter-ish relationship. But anyway, I can kind of think this might work.

Reason: I know is shocking me saying that this might be a pretty good relationship, in a father-daughter obviously, but let me explain. Now, were not sure if Chef is good with kids, or even have some (even doe there's a theory about Chef and DJ being father and son); but there are some times shown that he likes stuff that can be seen to many people as "girly". Like in one of the shorts, he is shown putting to sleep his teddy bear collection. This just show how much of a gentle side he has; and all I know is that he doesn't like teens much, especially teenage boys, but with girls he is a bit more gentle, in my opinion.

I actually love this exclusive, is one of my favorites!

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