Chapter 35

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When Macy opened her eyes, the smell of coffee hitting her nose, she was already exhausted As if she hadn't gotten a minute of rest. She checked on the baby as he slept beside her and smiled as Opie called out to her from the hallway.

"You up?" He asked.

"I am, come in," she told him.

Politely, Opie hovered by the apartment door with two cups of coffee. "You want one?

"Yes, please," she said, gesturing for him to come closer.

Opie beamed at her. "Just like you like it, cream and sugar."

Macy gasped, suddenly waking from the dream to find herself no longer in the clubhouse apartment. It was dark and the hint of coffee was replaced with a musty, mildew smell and her head throbbed as she attempted to sit up.

"Suga? You up?" Shane crooned.

"What the fuck is going on?" She groaned, the pounding in her head worsening. "Where am I?"

"Shh shh," Shane said softly. "I needed some alone time and I had to keep you calm. We're safe, out of California, you don't need more information than that. Trust me."

"Wh-what did you do?" Her brain was too fuzzy and the memories were nothing but blurry images. 

Shane sat beside her on the couch, two aspirin in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

"What I should have done last year," he said softly. "I'm trying. I'm making the effort instead of letting Jax destroy our family."

"Where is he?" Reality dawned on Macy and panic set in. "Where's Shane?"

"I have him," he said calmly. "It's okay."

"Can I see him? How? How did you get him from daycare?" She was terrified to find out but had to know how Shane had gotten the baby.

"Beach helped," Shane said casually. "He's a good friend, Mace. I'm glad he helped you out while I was gone but I'm back now."

"Shane, let me see him," she snapped.

He shook his head. "Not yet. I gotta be sure you're here with me, head and heart."

"I won't ever be if I don't see my son."

"Our son," he corrected her harshly. "See? That's why you can't see him yet."

"Is he okay?" She whimpered.

Shane felt a pang of guilt seeing the pain on Macy's face. Without telling her what he was doing, he got up from his desk chair and disappeared down the hall.

"Shane?" Macy called out.

He reappeared with their son in his arms, the younger Shane squealing with delight when he finally saw his mother.

"Oh baby," she sobbed, reaching out to him.

"Just for a second," Shane said, handing the baby over.

Macy nuzzled the child, crying tears of joy while Shane watched, tears filling his eyes as he did.

"What do you think of Toronto?" Shane interrupted.

"Canada?" She asked, looking over the child's head. "For what?"

"Our fresh start," he said with a smile. "Can't go back to Ireland, they'll tell the club."

"Why not Vancouver? It's so close."

"That's why, too close," Shane scoffed.

"Wait," she gripped the baby tighter. "What happened? How did I get here?" Macy screwed her eyes shut and thought back. "We were at the house. We were talking. You drugged me?"

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