Chapter 9

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"Oh my god," Macy groaned, "My body is fucking aching."

"Was I too rough?" Opie asked, rolling over to see her pained expression looking back at him.

"Oh, honey, no," she laughed. "I was thrown into a ditch the other night, remember?"

"Yeah," he grumbled, pulling her against his chest. "I'm sorry. Still."

"I know," she sighed. "Let's just...forget about it. Forget about Jax and Donna and all that shit. Move forward."

Opie took a deep breath. "What's moving forward look like?"

Burying her face in his chest she mumbled, "I don't know."

"We should have ground rules," he suggested.

"Ground rules," she chuckled, "That might work."

"Keep shit in the house," he said. "Everyone else can go on thinking you hate me."

"Not like you don't deserve it," she said only half kidding.

"I get what I deserve," he remarked, pausing to kiss her, "And you get what."

"Back rubs and orgasms?" She asked with a sunny smile.

Opie nodded. "I can do that." He kissed her again, deeper this time, but slowly pulled away as she pressed her body against his.


"I gotta go, I'm already on Clay's shit list," he complained.

"And my mom's," Macy reminded him, "Probaby Jax's too."

Opie slowly nodded on his way into the bathroom. He had momentarily forgotten about the mess that awaited him at the clubhouse. He was still in the shit, he knew it, and he had a debt to pay but being able to disappear in bed with Macy was a relief.

"Mace," he said from the bathroom, "We gotta talk about what happened." He wasn't surprised when she didn't respond. Joining her again in the bedroom, Opie got on his knees beside what was slowly becoming her spot on the mattress so they were almost eye level. "You think they were gym guys?"

"Yeah," she said quietly. "I think one of them was this guy Mike. He doesn't have many friends."

"Alright, we'll take care of it," he assured her. "Mace, I don't know what this is but I like it."

Macy giggled. "All we've done differently is finally have sex, Ope. We always talked."

He smirked a little. "Feels different."

"Yeah it does," she agreed. "You should go."

"You doing anything today?" He asked he, getting back to his feet to get dressed.

She watched as he stepped into his jeans and pulled a shirt over his head, her lips curling into a toothy smile.

"Laundry, maybe," she sighed. "I gotta call LaRoy, I don't think I can work like this. I'm so sore."

"Take a bath," he suggested. "It'll help. One time I really got my ass kicked I just fucking laid in the bath. It was great."

Macy laughed. "I can see your legs hanging out of the tub you big monster. You don't fit in tubs, Ope."

"Whatever, just trying to be nice," he shrugged.

"It's very sweet," she said, rolling over with a groan. "Now let me sleep."

Opie was last to arrive at the clubhouse that day. It was disconcerting to see Clay waiting by the boxing ring.

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