Chapter 16

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*6 months later - 18 months into Opie's sentence*

Macy had gotten used to living alone. Finally, after almost two years, the loneliness she felt when arriving home had disappeared. Certainly, her job, work friends and the budding relationship with Shane, had plenty to do with the change.

She smiled as she opened the door, tossing her purse on the entryway table and kicking off her work boots. Tonight was family dinner, she'd missed a few and knew that night was non-negotiable. Skimming the mail she was about to call Shane when she saw a letter from Chino.

"What the fuck," she grumbled. It wasn't from Opie, it was from some administrative part of the prison. Macy ripped it open and unfolded the paper as quickly as she could.

"This letter is to inform you that Harry Winston, Inmate 87305, has added you to his visitor list. Please complete the enclosed paperwork so we can begin your reapproval process."

Macy read it twice, once to herself then again out loud for her nonexistent audience.

"What changed?" She wondered to herself while ripping the papers in half and tossing them in the trash. "Doesn't matter. Too fucking late, Ope."

It didn't matter what she said or how she tried to ignore it, there was a growing bundle of nerves in her gut now. She called Shane, as she was about to before opening her mail, and once he answered her smile reappeared.

"Hey gorgeous," he said. "How was work?"

"Eh, you know, it's either so slow you wanna die or you come home covered in bodily fluids. Today was the latter."

Shane groaned, "Sorry, Mace. You still going to your parent's tonight?"

"Oh yeah," she replied quickly. "If I don't I'll be covered in my own blood instead of patients'."

Shane laughed heartily. "Sounds like a woman I wouldn't wanna mess with."

"You have no idea," Macy told him. "She keeps telling me to bring you."

"To dinner?"

"Yep," she sighed. "Thinks it'll get me to come to dinner but really it makes it much less likely."

"Why?" He asked. "I wouldn't mind. Not like we don't have some history even if it's indirect."

Macy thought about it for a minute. "You want to meet my parents?"

"I'm saying if they offered and you're up for it, I wouldn't be against it," he told her.


"Really," he said firmly.

"Okay. Fine. Be here at 7, I'll drive us over."

The regret didn't come until Shane arrived at the house. Macy was excited then it became real and she began to panic. He got in the passenger side and kissed her cheek.

"Hey," he grinned wickedly.

"Hi," she groaned. "Word of advice, don't try that heavy-handed flattery or flirting with my mom."

"Think your dad and Jax will be pissed?"

"No, not at all, I'm worried about what my mom will do to you," Macy laughed.

Shane's eyebrows furrowed. "She's that tough huh?"

"She's the matriarch of this fuckin' family," Macy reminded Shane. "So, yeah."

Taking Macy's hand, Shane gave it a supportive squeeze. "Look, I like you. A lot. This is a hurdle we gotta jump judging by how much your mom talked about it, so let's jump it and I know how criminal families work, this isn't going anywhere if I don't meet everyone eventually."

"Criminal families?" She asked him with a harsh look.

"Shit, after everything I said that's what you're gonna focus on?"

Macy cracked a small smile. "I appreciate it and I'm happy you're willing to do this." Pausing, she sighed and shook her. "And, I like you too. A lot."

With a new reason for butterflies in her stomach, Macy led Shane to her parents front door. She didn't knock, she never did, but she walked in quietly without her usual announcement. Jax saw her first, less distracted by cooking, but stopped short as his eyes landed on Shane.

"Shane," Jax said coolly. "This the guy you been seeing?"

Macy nodded. "I told you his name," she said.

"Coulda filled in some other blanks too," he said with annoyance. "You're one of Trammel's guys?" Jax said, speaking directly to Shane now.

"Yeah," he nodded. "On the take too," Shane said boldly.

"I thought you'd be cool," Macy said in a harsh whisper. "Come on, Jax," she grumbled.

"Only thing worse than a cop is a disloyal one," Jax told her under his breath.

Macy scowled and pushed by Jax, pulling Shane in to meet her father. Nothing could go worse than that little exchange, especially after Macy had wrongfully assumed he'd be the most comfortable with the pairing.

"Dad?" Macy called out. "Mom?" She added right after. They appeared in the doorway to the living room, both looking somewhat surprised by the unexpected addition. "Mom, Dad, this is Shane Walsh, my boyfriend. Yes, he's a SanWa deputy but he's cool. Shane, this is my mom Gemma and my dad Clay," she rambled the introduction without taking a breath.

Shane smirked at her little speech, trying not to laugh at her, as he offered Clay and Gemma his hand. "It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot from Macy."

"And others?" Clay asked with a wicked grin as he shook Shane's hand.

"More from some others than from Macy," Shane said honestly. He turned to Gemma. "I was told to be more afraid of you than your husband."

"He's a teddy bear," Gemma said as she ignored his hand and gave Shane a hug. "I'm glad she finally brought you over."

"Now we know who to watch," Clay added, only half joking. "Come on, I'm fucking hungry, let's eat," he grumbled.

They ate and under Gemma's eye everyone was pleasant and polite. Once Macy got up to her help mother with the dishes, Clay took the opportunity to pull Shane aside.

"Don't bother with that," Clay said to Shane as he attempted to help clear the table. "Come have a drink with me."

"Think that's how I asked Mace out the first time," he cracked.

"This ain't that kinda drink," Clay joked right back.

They disappeared into Clay's office, Jax watching with a disgusted look on his face knowing exactly how the conversation was going to go. Clay was on board, it was a win for him, the club and Macy and until someone was unhappy he'd be as supportive as possible.

"I knew you were involved with Macy," Clay announced as he poured Shane a glass of whiskey.

"You knew?" Shane didn't hide his surprise, gratefully taking the glass from Clay. "Macy said she didn't tell you."

Clay smirked. "She didn't. Vic Trammel and I go back, son. He was never going to keep that secret for you," he winked at Shane. "He did put in a good word, though."

"Did he?" Shane asked smugly.

"You're a bad cop, but you're good at it," Clay said. "Trammel trusts you. Macy trusts you and she's happy for the first time in a while. I like when she's happy because Gemma is happy and that means she's off my ass. If that changes and its bullshit you pulled, no one is gonna be happy."

Shane nodded and the two of them clinked their glasses ceremoniously. "That's fair. I was hoping Jax would feel the same."

"Don't worry about Jax," Clay scoffed. "I got this," he said tapping his President patch. "That's what matters."

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