Chapter 20

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Macy's eyes flicked between the dashboard clock and the road as she drove back to her and Shane's place. They had a family dinner in three hours, a large one, to celebrate Abel's fourth birthday and she didn't want to be late. It was the first time Macy would be spending any real time with them since she officially moved.

Arriving home, she sidestepped around the remaining boxes littering the entryway and bounded up the steps. The past week of nausea made it hard to unpack the few boxes left or do much of anything really.

Macy kicked the bathroom door shut with her foot while ripping open the box of pregnancy tests. A two-pack, just to be sure, although she already knew she was pregnant. Her body was telling her loud and clear by exhibiting the classic signs and symptoms which she'd never experienced before.

"I'm either pregnant," she muttered, "Or it's fucking cancer."

Taking both tests, Macy placed them on the sink edge and perched on the edge of the tub. The timer on her phone seemed to be moving slowly but she knew it was only because of her eagerness for results.

The small digital screen read "Pregnant" on both tests and Macy could hardly believe it. "Oh my god," she gasped, a smile spreading across her face. "Yes!"

Macy grabbed her phone and text Shane.

"Hey, I know we're supposed to meet at my parents' but can you make it here a bit earlier?"

"Can't. Bureaucratic shit. We'll talk tonight. Everything okay?"

"Everything is amazing. I love you."

"Love you more."

Even more than the pregnancy, her excitement was causing her stomach churn and bubble. She and Shane had talked about babies and marriage, they were on the same page about the future of their relationship, and while this was unexpected she knew he'd be overjoyed.

Now she just had to wait.

After a shower, she got ready, grabbed Abel's gift and was out the door on her way back to Charming. Macy wanted to get there early, she was nervous and didn't want to walk into a full house. The one man she wanted to beat, Jax, was already there when she walked in the kitchen door.

"Where's the birthday boy?" She asked cheerfully

"Passed out on the couch," Jax laughed as he greeted her with a hug. "How are ya?"

"Good," she beamed, placing the present and her purse on the table. "You guys?"

"Good," Jax said with a nod. "I don't think we've ever gone this long without seeing each other," he remarked.

"Yeah," she grimaced. "Been a busy few weeks."

"Hope it doesn't continue," Clay said, entering the kitchen from the dining room. He hugged her tightly, missing her more than he'd ever say. "Where's your old man?"

"On his way," Macy told them. "Work stuff's been crazy, couldn't leave early."

Clay and Jax shared a look but didn't speak on it.

"Let's wait for him outside," Gemma suggested and the two of them headed out to the driveway.

Macy looked at her mom suspiciously. "What?"

"Nothing," she laughed, lighting a cigarette. "I talked to Ope," she told her daughter. "He said he'll be good. You say anything to Shane?"

"He wasn't wrong," Macy said defensively. "He was being good."

Gemma huffed but didn't fight Macy on it, she knew it was true anyway.

"You sure about this?" Macy asked Gemma as the majority of club members pulled into the lot.

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