Chapter 23

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As soon as Shane was able to be moved they rushed him to the nearest hospital with Macy and Beach following behind. Beach wasn't driving as fast as Macy would have liked but speed wasn't his goal, it was safety.

When they arrived, Clay, Jax and Chibs were already there having gotten word of the shooting even before Macy. Seeing them lingering by the emergency entrance, she walked away from Beach and grabbed her father's arm, pulling him into the corner of the entryway.

"What was that?"

Clay looked at her with a sorrowful expression. "That wasn't the plan."

"What was the plan?" She snapped. "I want to know cause if he dies, it's on you and it's on Opie."

"Opie?" Clay asked. He was trying to keep Opie's involvement in the set up a quiet as possible.

"I saw him," she growled. "He was there, watching everything."

"Macy, this wasn't Opie," Clay said quietly.

"Bullshit," she whimpered. "Maybe you didn't know, Dad, but he did this. He wanted to hurt Shane, probably me too." Macy stopped to catch her breath but nothing could force her body to calm in any way. "It's bad, it's really bad," she admitted, breaking down. "Daddy, I don't want him to die."

"Baby," Clay sighed, pulling her into his arms for a hug. "I'm so sorry."

"I know," she mumbled into his shirt.

"Macy?" Tara called her name softly, knowing she was in an incredibly fragile state. "Let's talk."

Macy looked up and nodded. "Is he dead?"

"No," Tara said firmly. "There's a lot to go over, come on," she said, waving for Macy to follow her.

They walked down the corridor to a room that said family consultation on the placard. Those words sent a chill through Macy.

Sitting across from Macy, both women in matching arm chairs, Tara turned off her personal connection to Macy and spoke like a doctor.

"Shane was shot twice in the chest," she said quickly. "One bullet went through his right lung and the other damaged his heart, specifically his right ventricle. He's in surgery now to repair the damage to the heart. If he makes it, when he stabilizes they'll repair his lung next."

Macy swallowed hard, her eyes glazing over, and nodded. "Uh. So, uh, he might not actually make it?"

"There is a chance, a sizable chance, he won't make it out of surgery," Tara said somberly. "I'm sorry, Macy. I'm so sorry."

Emotionless, Macy got up from the chair and forced a smile. "Thanks for the update."

"Are you okay?" She asked, quickly getting to her feet to walk Macy out of the room. Her skin was gray and her eyes were vacant, Tara was concerned for her and the baby.

"No," she scoffed. "Where can I wait?"

"I can set you up in the oncall room," she said. "No one will bother you there."

"Tara," Macy stopped and looked at her with an intense stare. "What do you think? Do you think he'll be okay?"

"Mace," she grimaced, "He's lucky he's survived this long."

Macy nodded. "Okay."

"I'm going to get the room ready for you," she said, seeing Clay approaching. "I'll get you when I'm done."

Clay intercepted his distraught daughter and began to lead her toward Gemma when Opie came into view. He turned sharply but Macy was already pulling away from her father and racing down the hall.

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