Chapter 15

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*One Year Later*

"Patient has been in and out of consciousness since we arrived on the scene. BP is 80 over 50, her pulse is 80, steady, only visible injury is the head wound from hitting the windshield."

The information was rattled off quickly and in seconds the ER doctors were whisking their patient away leaving the paramedics at the entrance of the trauma bays with their work now completed.

"Internal bleeding," the one paramedic said.

"Oh yeah, internal bleeding," his partner agreed.

"Macy?' Tara's voice called out from deeper down the hall.

"Hey," Macy turned, snapping off her nitrile gloves and tossing them in the bio bin. "What's up?"

"You look good," Tara smiled. "I like the uniform."

"Big bad paramedic," Macy laughed but it was clear she was proud of her new job. "How's my boy?"

"Doing well," Tara nodded. "Wanna see him?"

"You mind, Beach?" Macy asked her partner.

"Nah, go ahead, I'll catch a smoke," he said casually.

Macy hurried off with Tara to visit Abel. He was growing well and currently only there for tests after being in the NICU for weeks and weeks after his surgery.

"Oh my god," Macy sang joyfully. "He's so big. I don't see him enough."

"You're busy," Tara said dismissively, "Don't worry about it."

"Maybe I'll be by this weekend," Macy suggested. "Got nothing else going on."

"Ahh the last resort visit," Tara laughed.

"No it's the 'can I pull myself out of this depression and exhaustion slump' visit." Macy checked her watch and huffed. "I gotta go."

"I better see you this weekend," Tara called out after Macy.

Ignoring the comment, Macy scurried out of the hospital and back to the ambulance. Beach was on the bumper, smoking, and talking with a San Joaquin deputy.

"What's going on?" Macy asked, interjecting herself.

"Deputy Walsh with San Joaquin Sheriff," the man introduced himself.

Her eyebrow arched and she looked at him questioningly. "You know Vic Trammell?"

"I do," Shane said with a nod. "He's a good guy, good cop."

Macy smiled and nodded. "Yes, he is."

"You're Morrow," he snapped his fingers and looked at her. "You were on scene with Beach at the accident?"

"I was," Macy nodded. "Why what's up?"

"I'm just taking statements," Deputy Walsh said. "What was the driver's condition when you brought her in?"

Macy inhaled slowly and paused then answered the deputy's question. "She was stable, in and out of consciousness with low pressure but again, she was stable. I can't really say much more," she shrugged.

"Good thing you were there," Shane said with a smug grin.

"Aw shit," Beach laughed. "Macy's very single Shane, if you wanna quit flashing those panty droppin' grins. I don't think they're necessary."

Macy cocked her head to the side and looked at Walsh expectantly. "Got something you wanna say?"

"When's your shift over?"

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