Chapter 11

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It had been a quiet couple of days following the Bluebird hit but that alone should have been enough to warn Macy of what was to come. She was on her last day shift for the week, an exciting occasion for her, when LaRoy stormed into the bar with the Sons behind him.

"You stay," Clay growled, fingers in her face, as he passed her.

Macy drew her head back, surprised by his demeanor, and looked to Opie for some explanation. He shook his head, "It's not you," he told her in passing, the last Son of the group.

Half Sack came in a few minutes later and sat at the bar. "Hi," he said awkwardly as usual.

"Hey Kip," she said, handing him a glass of water. "What happened?"

"Mayans went after the Niners last night," he said quietly.

"Why is that the club's problem?"

"They went after their guns," Half Sack explained. "No one knows how they found Bluebird or the Niners stash house."

Macy pursed her lips. "Curious."

"Can I get a beer?" He asked her quietly.

"No, prospect, you can't," she said with a chuckle. "You don't have any details?"

"About the stash house?"

"Yeah," she huffed. It was obvious he was hesitant to tell her anything for fear of Clay finding out. "Out with it, I won't tell my dad I know anything."

Sack leaned over the bar a little and spoke quietly. "Niners lost a guy."

"Yikes," she sighed.

"Yeah, LaRoy is pissed."

"Uh, yeah dude, of course, he is," she scoffed.

Just then Johnny strolled in, sitting in his normal spot, Macy greeting him quickly with his usual and a smile.

"You're late," she said playfully.

"I had some morning shit to handle, glad I got in to see you before your left for the night."

She fluttered her eyelashes. "How sweet," she cooed. Macy was working him for tips, Sack saw it, but Johnny hadn't caught on. "You're lucky I'm hanging around for a bit or I'd be gone."

"Lucky lucky," he chuckled.

"Hey," Sack interrupted, calling attention to himself in the corner. "Bathroom?"

Macy pointed off in the direction of the men's room and turned back to Johnny. He watched Sack stroll back toward the bathroom before turning to look at Macy again.

"You get a boyfriend?" He asked her, his holding his beer a few centimeters from his lips.

"Oh no," Macy laughed. "Him? Never. Not my type."

"What's your type?" He asked her as the Sons filtered out from the back.

Macy leaned forward, eyeing Opie closely, and winked at him as he passed her and Johnny. "I like em' big and hairy," he said with a smirk.

Johnny became annoyed and slapped some cash on the bar. "Guess I never have a chance."

LaRoy came out after them, distracting her from Johnny's pouring, and pointed at Macy. "Go on, now."

"Hey! Wait! What the hell did I do?"

"Nothing," he huffed. "Go home."

Macy snatched her things from the shelf and left abruptly. When she got outside Clay, Jax and Opie were still out front while the others had left.

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