Chapter 32

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Macy was MIA for four days, keeping her distance from both Opie and Shane, before heading back to the house with the baby. She hadn't thought about what she'd find, she just assumed it would all be normal, but it wasn't. The windows were covered, the back door was bolted and the kitchen had been turned into some kind of computer lab. As she snooped, the baby on her hip, Shane came up from the basement.

"Macy," he said, barely surprised she'd shown up.

"What the hell is this?" The horror was clear in her words.

"Work," he said curtly. "He's so big," Shane gestured to their son.

"He is," she smiled proudly. "He's shy around strangers," she explained as the baby buried his face in her chest.

"I'm not a stranger, I'm his father," Shane grunted.

Macy nodded. "Can we talk?"

"Can we?" He huffed. "I tried."

"I know, I'm a bit, uh, confused, Shane. Cut me some fucking slack," she said, growing defensive.

"Fine," he grumbled. "Say what you gotta say."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked quickly. "I know what you said, Jax scared you, but Shane, you know me."

"You would have wanted to fight it or come with me," Shane told her.

Macy nodded, a dumbfounded look on her face. "Uh, yeah, no shit," she scoffed. "Doesn't mean you still couldn't have bolted AFTER you told me what happened."

"I was scared, Mace," he admitted.

"And Jax took advantage of that," she clicked her tongue. "You see what he did, don't you? How he played you?"

Shane nodded.

"Why?" She tilted her head to the side. "What did you find? What did you dig up?"

The truth of her parentage was on the tip of his tongue but Shane held it back behind his teeth.

"Gun shit with the Irish, old Mayan shit from the 90s," he told her. "If I woulda went on the books with it there would have been a couple of life sentences, maybe a death penalty or two."

Her face went white. "No wonder."

"Macy, I'm sorry I left you," he croaked. "I'm sorry I left both of you."

Shying away as he reached out to her, Macy looked him up and down. "You're not you."

"I'm not," he shrugged. "Went kind of dark over there, I was a miserable son of a bitch."

"You still are," she remarked.

"I am," he agreed. "I'm sorry. I can never explain to you how deeply I regret it, how sorry I am," he said earnestly.

"Opie and I," she stammered, "We've been, kind of," she shrugged. "I don't know."

"You've been fucking him," Shane spat out. "I know."

Macy drew her head back. "Okay," she said, disgusted. "I don't know what I'm doing."

"Guess we're equal now," he grumbled. "We both abandoned you."

"It's not that simple," she scoffed. "If I could go back and do this all again, I would, but Shane, we're both so fucking different. Look at us."

"Right now I'd be happy just to hear you say you don't hate me," he whimpered.

"I don't hate you," Macy said staunchly. "I don't think I ever truly did, not deep down," she admitted.

Shane stepped to her and roughly grabbed her worst, pulling her in for a kiss. She tried half-heartedly to pull away but he didn't loosen his grip. Macy gave in, kissing him back, and instantly tears rolled down her cheeks.

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