Chapter 21

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Two days after Abel's birthday party, Shane arrived at the clubhouse just before his night shift as Clay requested. He was in his uniform, which always set the Sons on defense no matter who was wearing the badge.

"If you want me to haul him in it's gonna have to be a good amount," Shane explained. "As much as you can."

"Guess you can't help us with that," Clay muttered.

Shane shook his head. "I'm not gonna touch that. You get what you need and let me know, we'll go from there."

"I appreciate the help," Clay said with genuine gratitude. "How's our girl?"

"Mace? She's good, excited about the baby, upset about Opie though."

Clay nodded. "He's been sulking at the cabin since we all found out. He'll come around, tell her not to worry."

He already did, more than once, but Macy still seemed distracted by Opie's pain. "Yeah, yeah I'll do that."

"We'll be in touch," Clay said firmly. "Keep your head down, Walsh."

"Yes sir," he nodded, shaking Clay's hand.

Back at his house, Macy was at the dining room table with her planner, a legal pad and her laptop. She got the name of a quality OBGYN from Tara and had just scheduled her first two appointments. Now she needed to plan, it helped ease her anxiety and made her feel much more in control but she didn't know where to start.

"Shit," she huffed. Picking up her phone, she texted Tara with an invitation. "Dinner at my place? Bring Abel. I don't know how to be pregnant. How do I prepare? Help me!"

It wasn't long before Tara replied. "I've never physically had a baby but I think I can give you some advice. Is 6 good?"


By 7, Abel was asleep on the couch and the three of them ate an entire large pizza.

"I have to ask," Tara said, leaning closer to Macy. "Was this planned?"

Macy shook her head. "Nope. I'm totally thrilled but this was a shocker."

"Can I share my shocker?" She asked with a smirk

"Oh my god, are you knocked up?"

"I am," Tara beamed.

"Yes!" Macy practically leaped across the sofa to hug Tara, thrilled to have a niece or another nephew. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks," she giggled. "Jax doesn't know yet."

"He's going to be thrilled, Tara, you know that."

"I know," she sighed dreamily. "I'm just processing it too."

"We can process together," Macy joked. "Do you want a boy or a girl?"

Tara inhaled slowly. "I don't know. You?"

"Not sure," she shrugged. "Shane would be so sweet with a little girl but he'd also be cute with a boy, I think I'm scared if we have a son I'll turn into my mom."

Cringing, Tara shook her head. "You won't."

"I don't know, look at Grandma Rose, apparently insane mothers run in our family."

Faking a smile, Tara just nodded and kept the secret she knew to herself. "Break that line then," she said simply.

"Hopefully," she shrugged. "Uh, have you seen Ope around?"

"Macy," Tara said knowingly.

"I feel bad," she whimpered. "I'm pissed but I know he's fucked up, I know prison messes with people and I know he's upset."

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