Chapter 6

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*The Next Morning*

"Now we can actually say we slept together," Macy said sleepily as she rolled over to face Opie. "You up?" She asked quietly.

"Mm-hmm," he groaned, pulling her body tight against his. "I'm gonna tell the club I finally got Macy Morrow into bed."

"It'll be the last thing you do," she teased. "I'm not sure who would get you first, me, Jax or my dad, but one of us would."

"Worth it," he joked.

Macy expected him to make a move but he was a complete gentleman, even more so than the night before, and she was disappointed.

"What time is it?" He asked putting some space between them.

"Uh," she inched over and grabbed her phone. "Quarter of eleven," she said with a grimace.

"Fuck," he groaned.


"Very," he huffed and hurried out of bed. "I got put on repos with the prospect, it's a long list at the beginning of the month."

Macy rolled onto her side, leaning up on her elbow, and watched as he got dressed. "Sucks," she sighed. "Was last night weird?"

"No," he said quickly. "I'm just not sure."

"Sure?" She sat up in a flash. "What's that mean?"

Opie huffed and shook his head. "Macy," he groaned, heading for the door.

"No," she scurried and slid in front of the door before he could grab the handle. "Spit it out, Winston."

"You're Jax's baby sister, Clay's daughter, one of my best friends," he explained. "It ain't like with a crow eater or Donna, it happens and there's no going back or getting away from it."

"Or from each other," she added with a chuckle.

"Exactly." Opie nodded, not sharing his other concerns, her age mainly, and gestured toward the door. "I gotta go."

"Okay," she pouted.

He smiled a little as she stepped away from the door. "I'll see you tonight."

"I'm working," she told him, "So I'll see you tomorrow morning."

When the sun set and Macy gathered her things she was excited to work and have something to take her mind off of Opie.

"I need to get laid," she grumbled, walking into the bar, "Like really bad."

Still slightly reserved with her coworker and the Niners, Macy waved before locking her purse in the safe behind the bar.

"Hey," the other bartender said, shoving a tray of beers on her face. "Take these back to LaRoy."

Macy did as she was told and swiftly made her way to the back cordoned off section of the bar. When she stepped through the privacy curtain she saw seven Reapers staring back at her.

"Jesus Christ," she groaned to herself.

"Macy," LaRoy said with a smile, "Look who's here."

The Sons all turned around to see Macy, her flirty work smile slapped across her face, with their beers.

"Hey guys," she said cheerfully. One by one she gave them each a bottle, ignoring the few girls fawning over certain members until her tray was empty. Swinging it under her arm, Macy looked at LaRoy expectantly. "Need anything else?"

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