Chapter one

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I don't even wait to say goodbye and just left through the back door.

I arrived late for the class so I missed most of the lesson. I haven't seen Maddie and Xavier today. They are my best friends and only friends at that.

"Hey pretty lil thing." Xavier walk up to me grinning ear to ear.
"Hey Macho man" Macho man? Yeah. Xavier is one fine piece but just not my type and we are just friends. Have been for a long time.

My friends know about my situation at home so when I get beaten at home, Xavier and Maddie are always there to tend to my wounds.

"Seen Sweet pants today?" I asked.

"No, I was just about to ask you same thing."

"Jade, are you okay?" Xavier asked looking intently at me.

I give a little smile. "I'll be," Then my smile turns wider "If you promise to buy me lunch."

"Sure will."We both laugh. I didn't even need to say I hadn't eaten anything since last night and my stomach was making weird noises.

"Maddie just texted me," Xavier said looking down at his phone "She couldn't come today because she came down with a cold. Said we should meet up later."
"Cold? Oh poor Baby" I said pouting.

"I'll meet you guys up later. Right now I have three more classes."

"Sure. I call you during lunch." He gave me a hug and walk off to his class.

It's past 10pm and I'm about to go to bed when Dad walks pass my room.

"Did you do what I asked you to do earlier?"

I think fast trying to remember. Not again.

"I'm sorry Dad, I forgot" I was already panicking.

"Come with me"

This isn't going to go well for me this night. Dad's the calm one. He's not as bad as mom but he can be worse sometimes. We get to the sitting room and Mom is there.

"Why didn't you go to the supermarket?" Dad asked calmly

"I'm really sorry. I've been very busy today, but I promise I'll go tomorrow." I said hurriedly.

I was told to go to the supermarket to get some supplies but I completely forgot.

"You know, one day I'll definitely kill you" that's my Mum.

"Now get the fuck out of here and do what you were told to do"

"But Mum it's really late."

She stood up and next time I know, my cheek started stinging. " We both know I hate repeating myself. Get out of my sight."

I quickly rush up stairs to pick up the list and money with tears in my eyes. I don't know why they keep on doing this. My siblings are always exempted while I get to do everything. I love my family but I hate everything they always put me through.

Getting to the supermarket, people there aren't a lot of people so I go through the list and pick what's on the list. When I'm done, I pay for the groceries and start my long walk home with the heavy bags.

I suddenly here a loud,startling sound coming ahead. That sounded like a gunshot. Just then, I see some scary looking men. They looked different because there was no one walking on the road and they looked out of place. One of them fired a shot at a man by an alley. I got so scared that I shouted and dropped some of the bags. I noticed too late that I shouldn't have screamed when all three eyes turned to me.

Picking up the bags hurriedly with shaking hands, I make a run for it. Another gun shot is fired followed by heavy foot steps behind me. But, I can't move anymore. I feel so much pain that tears rush down my eyes. Looking down I notice blood on my shirt and when I raise my head up to see the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen just before I'm given a shove. I fall down and close my eyes feeling so much pain and then I slip into a painful sleep.

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