Chapter Twelve

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Jade's pov:
There was no other choice for me than to accept the Don's proposal. I finally had a chance to be free. Not just from the mafia but also from my family. The money will really help me to move out from home when I leave here. I was angry that the Don saw me as nothing but a tool to satisfy his sexual needs but he gave me something to look forward to.

In the contract, it stated that I could still have my  lectures online and I was so so thankful that he gave me that. But, I was still sad that I wasn't allowed to talk to or see my friends. Maybe I can convince him along the line to allow me to call them once to tell them that I'm alive and well.

My things were moved to the room next to the Don's. It's spacious and very comfortable. I had some new clothes, toiletries, shoes and a new laptop given to me that I was only allowed to take my classes on.

It's 10pm and I don't even know what to do. I've been waiting for the Don and he hasn't showed up yet. Earlier, he told me he was going to see me later and the lady that helped me set up, told me to wait for him.Sitting on a cushion by the window, I'm lost in thought when I get startled by footsteps.

Walking towards me is the Don and I'm suddenly scared. He looks tired and his hair looks like he had been running his hands through it. I am just left staring at him by the time he gets to me.

"Why are you dressed like that?" His voice sounds raspy. His eyes scan my dress which was pretty plain. It was one of the modest things I could find to wear.

"The clothes I was given are too short."

"You could have worn a lingerie." He quirks his brow at me, drops his jacket on the chair and loosen his tie. My heart starts beating fast.

"I...They aren't...I didn't want to."

"You will wear what I want Jade." My name on his tongue is like melted butter.

"Remove the dress."

"What?" I'm left confused.

"Take off your clothes." As soon as he says that, he removes his tie and unbuttons his shirt with me left wondering what to do. I knew this would happen eventually but I'm not ready. I have no other option.

By the time I push the straps off my shoulders and the dress pulls to my feet with me standing in my underwear, he already had only his boxers on. He takes my left hand and leads me to the bed.

"Lie down." I lie down and he climbs in beside me and lays on the other side of the bed and puts my head on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. I stay like that for a few minutes and look at his face to see his eyes closed with soft snores coming from his mouth. I'm so surprised because I thought we were going to have sex but guess he had something else planned.

I wasn't able to sleep a wink last night because I was afraid that the Don would do something. After staying up for hours, I finally fell asleep in the wee hours of morning. I woke up this morning to find him gone and the side he slept on empty and cold like he was never there.

I took my first class in three months and I loved every second of it. When I was done with my lectures, I had nothing else to do. The guard in front of the room told me that the Don instructed him not to let me out and everything I needed will be provided for.  He is the same person that I saw the first time I woke up in the mansion. Susan stopped by to clean my room and we had a little chat. She brought some books for me and I'm currently reading one of them. It's interesting and it took my mind off my problems.

A maid brings lunch to my room and I feel uncomfortable being served by someone. I've come across her a few times but I always try to stay off her path because she's been mean to me once. As I open my mouth to say thank you, she cuts me off.

"You aren't here to stay. Enjoy all this while it lasts." She sweeps her hand around the room and leave me confused as to what she meant by that.

I wait for the Don to show up but when he doesn't, I go to the guard outside.

"Excuse me please, I want to know when the Don would be coming back." He doesn't say anything for about five seconds and when he finally does, he only says "Go to sleep." 

I close the door and head to the bathroom to take a shower, put on pajamas and prepare myself to sleep glad that the Don wasn't coming.

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