Chapter Eighteen

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Marcelo's pov:
"Che cosa hai detto (what did you say?)"I was furious beyond reasoning. And this had nothing to do with the fact that I can't get the feeling of something been wrong off my chest. This stronzo (asshole) standing before me just brought news. The  shipments that were supposed to arrive earlier, had been hijacked by unknown men.

"How could this have happened? Dammit!"  I threw my glass of bourbon against the wall and the men standing in the room flinched. They would definitely do more than that if they don't find out how and who took my goods.

"Venire(come)" I calmly order the man that delivered the news. The rest look at each other in fear. When the shaking man comes to me, I throw a heavy punch to his nose. I'm sure his nose broke from the satisfying sound I hear but it does nothing to calm me down.

"Now listen, I need information of what went down there and fish out the fucker that snitched." They move out of the study too slowly.

"Ora! (Now)"

"Fratello, calmati (brother calm down)" My brother Nico walks in.

"Calm down? Did you just say calm down? Someone in this family is selling us out right under our noses. I'm going to make him wish he was never born when I find him."

He takes the bottle of bourbon and pours me another glass. I gulp everything at once and hold out the glass for more.

"We are on it. Who could it be? Only a few trusted people know of the new shipment and when it was arriving."  Nico pours himself a glass and sips on it.

"I suspect.." Just then, my phone rings.


"Don, the Enrique family was behind this." Stefano's words confirm my hunch.

"I knew it." Comes Nico's voice. The call is on loud speaker so he can hear everything.

"Don't worry we have a lead on the location of the goods."

"Get on it. Send me the location when you find it." I end the call and sit down for the first time in minutes. The room feels hot and I undo a few buttons on my shirt and roll up the sleeves.

"The Enriques are calling for war. I say we attack them."

"No. We can't do that. Not now. It would be rash to attack them now."

He huffs, then sits on the couch. Nico can be reckless with his actions sometimes. One part of me agrees with what he said, while the other part doesn't. If we attack our rivals now, I won't be able to get what I want. I just have to be patient and everything will fall into my hands soon.

Jade has been acting strange for a few days now. I have asked her countless time to know if she okay, but she keeps on saying yes. And I know that she isn't aware of what I've been keeping from her. I'm afraid to let her go. But she wasn't even mine to keep in the first place. As usual, I'm watching her on the camera and this time around, I want to soak the memory of her before she leaves. She will be with her family soon and I don't know why I have this ache in my heart anytime I think of letting her go.

I want to go to her and put my arms around her but I decide to wait for a few minutes. The exam she's writing will soon be over. I sip on my drink and allow the burn from the drink to soothe my throat. I have been drinking more than usual these past few days due to the fact that I'm stressed out with everything going on around.

My Bellisimo fiore is done and puts her laptop and things away making sure everything is in order. That's one of the reasons why I love having her in my room. She always put things in place. Not that I'm an untidy person, in fact, I'm obsessed with my surroundings been clean and tidy. Having her in my space, gives me comfort and keeps the nightmares and demons away.

I leave the study and run into Carmella. I guess she was heading to my office as usual to try to seduce me again. I try to walk pass her, but she comes to my front with her boobs poking from her top that's too little for her.

"What Carmella?" I say irritatingly.

"Don, I was on my way to see you." She bates her fake lashes at me and that just irritates me more because right now, she's keeping me from going to Jade and I want to spend every time with her as much as possible.

"For what reason?"

"I heard about the shipments, so I came to see if things have been completely taken care of."

"It has. You should know that. Now leave my way." She didn't move and I try to sidestep her.

"Marcello, why are you treating me this way? You used to love me. Is it because of that whore you have now?" Carmella said with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. I grit my teeth. I was already reaching my boiling point as I grab a hold of her neck. I needed her to get the message clear.

"I NEVER loved you and don't you ever speak ill of Jade again or I'll put a bullet through your skull." Her eyes widened in fear and she nods her head quickly. She knows that I will do it in a heartbeat.

Without another word, I leave her crunched over coughing. That had teach her to stay away from me. Nowadays, my nerves has skyrocketed all because of what I'm about to do in a few weeks. I'm giving Jade away, but I'm also going to face off with Casetlo Enrique and his entire famiglia(family) That old sleeze ball won't have it easy with him. His son Mateo is part of the reason why I'm so angry. He killed Arianna four years ago. She was my fiancée and I was so happy with her. It was due to Mateo's hatred for me, that made him blow up one of my warehouse and Arianna was there that day. She went there to invite me for dinner because I was working late. I left the warehouse a few minutes before she got there. And she was gone...just like that.

The memories of Arianna comes flooding back to me and when I get to Jade's room door, I just go to my room instead, take a bottle of whiskey and sit on the couch.  By the time it gets dark out, I have already drowned the whole bottle with no success of drowning the face of my Arianna away. It has been a long time since I last thought of her. She moved in with me a few months before she died and we used to sleep together in my room. When she died, I gave her things back to her family because I didn't want anything that reminded me of her and the painful way she died. My thoughts are far and I recall the last time I held her and told her that I love her.

Even when Jade comes into the room, I'm totally out of it. As she helps me to the bed, my heart clenches at the thought of losing her too.

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