Chapter Six

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Jade's pov:
Cleaning the Don's room wasn't a challenge at all. Maybe it was due to the fact that it was cleaned everyday or that I haven't ran into him since I started cleaning here. And I am so happy for that.

I'm mopping the floors and I suddenly hear a sound and when I look behind me, my heart stops for a second out of fear. The don is standing by the bathroom door glaring right at me. Now, what has me gulping is the fact that he only has a towel wrapped around his waist with another one around his neck. He has muscles and is so big. It was obvious that he worked out a lot. I'm left speechless by how handsome and dangerous he looks at the same time.

"Are you deaf?" I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts and look right at his face. And that's when I see his eyes. So gray and blank.

"I...I came here...I mean I'm here to clean this room sir."

He looks me up and down and I wish I can just dig a hole and enter. This maid uniform I was given feels two sizes smaller with his eyes on me.

"Then what are you waiting for? Get back to work." He turns his back on me and I'm given a view of his wild back.

I quickly head back to what I was doing and he comes out wearing a white button down shirt, black slacks and dark shades on with a diamond earring on his left ear.

He doesn't even spare me a glance and walks out.

I don't even know how to feel right now. Seeing the man who took me away from my family, tortured me and subjected me to a life of misery brings up so many emotions in me.

I miss school and my friends. I'm sure they will be worried about me. They probably think I'm dead seeing as how I've been gone for about a month. I just pray and hope that they notice that something is wrong and save me because there is no way out of this place.

Crying would have been an option now but I only do that when I'm on my bed at night and cry my eyes out wishing I was back home. Wishing I was with my friends and wishing that my parents weren't so cruel to me.

Marcello's pov:
Cazzo! (Fuck) I'm going nuts. I need something to take my mind off her. She looked so fucking sexy in that dress with the way it was tight against her figure.

Seeing her in my room today just made me confirm that I definitely should stay away from her.

I have only seen her a few times ever since the day I tortured her and condemned her to my world. And I want to see her every day.

I think I should call one of my many whores but they haven't been able to satisfy my needs these days. The only thing that helps is to bury my head into work until I fall asleep. After I saw her this morning and went to my warehouses and did a ton of work, I still can't get the shape of her body in that maid uniform that was two sizes smaller and how she will look naked on my bed spread out for me.

I have this strong yearning for her and the need to mark her as mine. But, that will be a bad idea because she is here to serve the famiglia(family) and nothing more.

Maybe if I have a taste of her, I will be able to get my mind off her. I saw the way she looked at me earlier like every girl I have met–like she wants to do something than just stare but I also saw fear in her eyes.

Fear or lust, she will do my bidding.

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