Chapter Three

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Marcello pov:
"Don, we are ready to move the consignment." Stefano my best friend and right hand man said coming into my office.

"Good." I replied lost in thought swirling my drink in  the glass.

"You okay?"

" Sure. Why won't I be?"

"I don't know. You've been this way ever since we caught the girl" Stefano said with his brow quirked up.

"Yeah, there's something about her."

"Apart from the fact that she might be a spy and her father owes us?"

Three days ago, we were taking care of business as usual when that girl suddenly came up from nowhere like a damsel in distress. Yeah right. I shot her and brought her here. After some findings, I discovered that I know her father and he is the son of a bitch that owes me a lot of money. He was one of our distributors but he couldn't balance up and when we found out that he had been stealing some of the drugs.

I was supposed to kill him immediately but how would I get back my money if the motherfucker is 6ft under?

I'm pretty sure that he gave out some of our information to one of our enemies. I was even thinking of stopping by at his house that night before we caught that girl.

If I do find out that he gave out any of our information, I'm will kill him and all his family members. He knows not to mess with the Morrone family.

You see, we are one of the best and most powerful mafia in America and Italy my homeland. And we pride ourselves on loyalty.

I Marcello Arthur Morrone will not hesitate to destroy anyone that wants to put my family at risk. I became the Don two years ago when my father retired and gave me the responsibility of leading the family business. We have legal businesses too. I'm in charge of a few but my main responsibility is the mafia while my other siblings Nico and Giulia are in charge of the rest.

I'll have to make that girl talk somehow. Seeing her asleep yesterday pulled in something in me. Not my heart though cause I've been told I don't have one. She looked so innocent and peaceful. I questioned her but she refused to tell me anything. If it gets down to torturing, I'll do it. I need to find out if she knows what her father has been up to lately.

"What else Stefano?" I slowly drop my glass and look up at him menacingly.

He puts his hands up in mock surrender with a smirk on his face. "Nothing at all. Just wondering."

"What are you even still doing here? Aren't you supposed to be making sure everything goes well with the consignment?"

"I just came to inform you Don." He backs away and with a chuckle says "Go easy on the drink Marcel  and the girl."

"Pazzo Bastardo."
( Crazy bastard)

I get up from my chair and head to go see the girl.

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