Chapter Seventeen

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Jade's pov:
"Are you heading somewhere?" It's in the middle of the night and I woke up due to some shuffling only to see Marcel taking something from his bedside drawer. He's already dressed in a sweatshirt and joggers.

"Yes. I need to go out for a few hours. Go back to sleep, I'll be back before you know it."  He bends down and gives me a soft kiss on my forehead.


I wonder what so important that he has to leave by this time. After trying to fall asleep for close to an hour, I eventually get up from the bed and go to the garden. There are a few guards around but not as much as they usually are. The cool air feels so nice and I lean my head back on the bench with my eyes closed. A sound comes from behind me and I sit up.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" No reply "Hello?"

Just as I get ready to relax, someone walks out of the shadows. Before I can let out a scream, my mouth gets covered up by strong hands and I get dragged into the part of the garden that is dark.

"Jade," The voice sounds so familiar. " It's me." My mouth gets released and Donald stands right in front of me.

"Donald? What...what are you doing here?" I'm so surprised. He's not supposed to be here.

"I had to see you. How have you been?"

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" I touch his shoulder where Marcel had shot him. He took my hand in his.

"I'm better now that I've have seen you. I won't stay long. I just came to see you and talk to you."


"Look Jade, you need to get out of here and I'm going to help you out. But,first did the Don tell you about your parents?"

"No he didn't. Why?"

"Well, the people you've known all your life aren't your biological parents."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Your biological mother had an affair with an underboss of one of the Italian mafia. Your father Luciano Gambino took you away and had your parents take care of you. He was supposed to take you back soon but then you got kidnapped by the Don."

"You are lying," I say in complete disbelief. "What... I... how?"

"Listen, the Don knows all this. Luciano's family is one of their rivals and he has unfinished business with them so he wants to use you as exchange for something. You have got to get out of here fast."

I stare at him for a few seconds. The information I heard has my head spinning. I've been living a lie all my life.

"My mother, how about my birth mother? Where is she?"

"I'm sorry but, she died a few months after giving birth to you." I crunch down and suddenly burst into full blown tears. Donald goes down on his knees and pulls me into his arms where he allows me find comfort. He wipes my tears at intervals and when I finally stop crying, he gives me a peck on my cheek. I look up at him.

"Jade, I need you to help me get some information from the Don."


"Here," He removes a flash drive from his jacket pocket and hands it to me.

"Transfer whatever you can get. This is an opportunity to be free from the Don and to pay him back for all he has done to you. You have to go back inside now, I will be back in six days." He smiles at me. And with that, he gets up and goes behind the roses bushes and disappears into the night. I slowly get up and will my legs not to fail me as I go back inside. In bed, I cry again. And by the time Marcel returns at the crack of dawn, I pretend to be asleep with the knowledge that I'm nothing but a means to an end.

Two days. Two days and I'm still reeling from the news. The people who I thought where my parents aren't real. That explains why I was treated so badly. And soon, I was going to be used as a means of exchange for whatever. But, I won't just sit around and wait to be used as a prawn. I asked Marcel if he has heard any news from my parents and he said no. When I asked if there was something he wasn't telling me, he denied and that's when I made my resolve to take actions as soon as possible.

And that's what makes me stand staring at the Don's study door while he's away. My nerves are high right now. After confirming that nobody is coming this way, I push the door open and let myself into the study. It's spotless and immaculate just like his room and the rest of the mansion. Marcel's laptop is sitting on the desk. I  take out the flash drive Donald gave me from my pocket and open the laptop. Just as I expected, it needs a password to gain access and I rack my brain fast. It won't be nice if I'm caught snooping around in here. I do what I can and I finally get get it open. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard. I copy as much documents as I can.

It doesn't take a lot of time to get them to the flash drive. My heart won't stop beating fast even as I leave the study and get back to my room. I hide the flash drive in my underwear drawer because I know that no one will go there.

When Marcel arrives later in the night, I try talking to him again about my parents. Because I need to finally decide if I was going to give out the informations I got earlier today. I also needed assurance that I was still going to be by the don's side and he wasn't going to give me away that easily.

"Marcel, about what I asked the other day, do you not know anything about my parents?" He just got out of the shower and is toweling his hair dry. But, he stops halfway on hearing my question.

"Why do you keep asking me that?" He gives me a quizzical look.

"It's just that I'm wondering why they haven't done anything to get me back. And besides, I miss my friends." Months have gone by now without seeing my friends and it's possible they have stopped searching. At this point, I'm on the verge of crying. Marcel sees it and comes to me on the bed. He pulls me close and drops a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Your parents are assholes. There's no need worrying about them. Besides, you will be free soon and you will get to see your friends again." He says that like it hurts to voice the words out. But, I can hear the lie in his words. I wasn't going to be free. I can't bear to look at him so I lie away from him.

"You've been acting weird around me for a few days. What's the problem?"

"I haven't."

"Yes you have." He turns my face towards me and looks at me for a few seconds and I'm afraid that I might blurt out the words I'm not supposed to. There's a puzzled expression on his face and I feel my body go hot from fear and his scrutinizing look

"Very well then you should go to sleep."

With a nod of my head, I lie back on my side but I can still feel Marcel's burning gaze on my back.

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