Chapter one

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For the sixth time i'm standing in front of the wall that will take me to platform 9 ¾. This year my parents finally let me go here on my own, not that i don't love them but get embarrassed really easily. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach as i walk into the wall, and like every other year i walk out through the other side as well.

"There you are!" I hear a familiar voice say, and before i get to turn around the person har already hugged me from the back.

"Marcus!" I say as i try not to lose my balance from Marcus leaning on me. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." He says finally letting go of me.

"Have you seen Daisy and Tori?" I ask looking around after them.

"Got tired of me already?" Marcus asks in a teasing voice.

"You know i'm not, and never will be.Who would look after me then?" I say with a smile on my lips. But just as i say it two familiar girl come running to us.

"I found them." Marcus says and i hit his shoulder as a response.

The two girls come closer, one of them has long flowing pink hair to under her shoulders, and the other one has even longer white hair down to her knees but its put up in a ponytail.

"Maya!" The girl with the pink hair says as she just like Marcus almost trips me in her hug.

"Tori!" I say trying to keep my balance but just as i gain it the other girl comes jumping on me as well.

"I missed yoooou!" The girl with the long hair says.

"I missed you too Daisy!"

The girls let go of me and then they see marcus and hug him as well.

"I cant believe its already our sixth year!" Tori says with her iconic big smile.

"Yeah its wild." Daisy says.

"Wow your making me feel old." Marcus says while acting like if he go hurt.

"Were going to miss you next year, like i cant believe its your last year." I say and hug him while he rests his head om mine.

"Well i'm sorry to destroy your moment but we should get on the train. Tori says pointing at the train.

"Yeah your right." I say and let go of Marcus.

We make our way to the train, through the crowd of parents saying goodbye to their children. I step into the train and we start walking around to find a place to sit down. Marcus sits with some of his older friends and we wave goodbye to him.

"Maya look in there." Daisy says pointing at the door in front of me. I grab the handle and open the door but as i do my eyes meets someone else's. His eyes are green and he has curly brown hair and olive skin. Him and his two other friends just stare at me and i whisper a "Sorry." and close the door again. I turn around only to hear one of the boys say "That's one of the hufflepuffs right? Their good for nothing." I feel a sting in my heart at try to ignore it but i get hurt way to easily. To my suprise Tori and Daisy heard it as well, Daisy looks just as sad as me and it must have hurt her as well since shes a hufflepuff too.

"I'm going to kick their ass as soon as i find out who of them said that." Tori says and if looks could kill im sure the door behind me would be ashes already. "Its okay Tori it's not like if what most slytherins think about us is anything new." Daisy says.

"That doesn't make it anymore okay." Tori says but this time she's more calmed down.

"Your such a good friend you know that right." I say hugging Tori.

"I guess i am." Tori says with a little smile on her face.

"Now let's find a place to sit down." I say.

We find a place to sit down and we all ended up buying a bit of candy. We all got one of the chocolate frogs for fun too see which card were going to get.

"Ugh i got dumbledore again." Says Tori laying her head back and groaning again.

"I think he's pretty cool." Daisy says "Anyways i got Helga Hufflepuff." Daisy says waving her card around proudly.

"I got Salazar Slytherin." I say showing my card to them.

"Well that's ironic. Wanna burn it?" Tori asks.

"Mabey at school." I say and let out a small laugh.

As we get closer to the school we have all changed into our robes and packed the rest of our candy down. Then the train stops and we know we are there. As we get out the train i see Marcus again and i smile to him before making my way to the horse carriages. Me, Daisy and Tori all share one with some other kids we haven't really talked to before.

Hogwarts is just as beautiful as i remember it to be every year, and as i step out of the horse carriage i get butterflies in my stomach just looking at it.

"I missed this place so much." Daisy says.

"Me too." Me and Tori says at the same time.

We hold each others hands as we walk in through the big door and into the familiar hallways of hogwarts. We make our way to the great hall and as we enter me and Daisy have to say goodbye to tori so she can go sit at the gryffindor table. Then me and Daisy walk over to the hufflepuff table and sit in front of each other. We sit there and talk for a bit and then the doors open and all the first years walk in. They all look so cute and exited... and kinda scared, i hope they're okay.

Then the hat sings his song and the ceremony begins. A little boy with black hair walks up and as the hat touches his head it yells out "Hufflepuff." We all clap for him as he walks over to us looking kinda confused. Some of the others make sure that he is okay and they make him feel comfortable. And like that the ceremony keeps going and i can feel myself getting hungry. Then the last kids name gets called and he walks up. The hat sits on his head and yells "Ravenclaw." Soon after the food appears on our tables.

"Yay finally food." I say as i start putting some on my plate.

"Yay food." Daisy says as well. "If there's anything i missed it's definitely the food."

And like that our day is soon over. We get to our common rooms and headed straight to bed after a long day. 


Thank you so much for reading. I promise there will be romance soon

Words: 1160

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