"What's this you're wearing? For me?" His eyes were searching her up and down.

"Oh no, when you called I didn't have time to change." She tried to cover herself, but he moved her hands .

"I've seen you in less. Just relax." He bit his lip. Diya was now feeling warm.

"Um what can I do for you?" She stood up looking around the room .

"Still nervous around me? We have to fix that... as soon as I'm better ." He sips some of his water, his hand shaking a little.

"I'm not nervous but in my defense you haven't touched my body or said certain things to me, for you know almost a month." Diya was now walking around.

"You thought I'd die without hitting that?" He winked at her. Diya placed her hands over her mouth.

"Wow Ice, really?!" She couldn't help but to smile.

"You said you was ready to give it to me. I told you I remember everything you said, while I was unconscious." He winked again.

"Well, I waited all these years for it to be special and for it to be special it has to be with you." She was looking at him .

"In due time and time is do ... but I will make my name roll off your tongue in ways you didn't know you could say it." He drink some more water as Diya felt her private throb.

"I'll hold you to that ." Is all she was able to say.

"Are you alone?" He asked .

"Oh no, if you're up for it, my parents are here to say hello." She shrugged.

"Yeah ... yeah cool tell them come on." Ice sat up but Diya hesitated to leave.

"Baby, I will be here when you come back... I promise ." He smiled.

"Okay, be right back." She left the room.

The next day Diya called everyone to come see Ice after he felt like he was well rested. The nurses came in to help him walk up and down the hall a few times, just to make sure everything was okay.He stumbled a bit but eventually got the hang of it. He obviously had lost a few pounds and his complexion was pale, but he was still handsome as ever. When his grandma, Ivory and his dad showed up he was all smiles. Quakes lifted Ivory up into the bed with Ice and he held her while Gam wrapped her arms around them both.

"You were on a long vacation daddy, I missed you and you weren't here for birthday." Ivory still had on her crown modeling it for him.

"She hasn't taken it off since her party, insisting you saw her with it." Gam smiled wiping her cheeks .

"Daddy is back and I won't be going anywhere else and you are the most beautiful princess I've ever seen." He kissed her cheek.

"Son, you look good. How do you feel?" Quakes stood closer to his bed.

"Working on walking to build my strength back up, but they believe I will be discharged this week." Ice let Ivory put her crown on his head.

"Will you be coming back to my place or your apartment?" Gam asked .

"My apart Gam. I will be fine and you can check on me whenever you need." He squeezed her hand.

"I will stay with him most of the time, until he is fully able to do everything on his own." Diya volunteered. Ice smiled at her.

"I will cook a really big dinner for you, whatever you want just name it." Gam was excited.

Ice rubbed his stomach ." Give me sometime to decide, because there's so much to choose from." Everyone nodded.

"Whatever you wish son." Gam smiles.

"How is Milton doing? Have any of you heard anything?" Ice poked Ivory's nose as she laughed .

Diya, Gam and Quakes looked at one another.

Quakes cleared his throat ."Um, son Milton didn't make it ... the bullet pierced his heart. He died instantly."

Diya watched as Ice eyes moved around the room searching their faces for a joke but found no humor .

"Damn man!" Ice was upset.

"Zeus will be handled." Quakes told him .

"You have to leave that alone." Gam was scolding Quakes.

"You think he will rest ma? Come on, you know this can only end one way and that's with me and him ." Quakes accepted his fate .

" Turn him in to the cops." She suggested .

"He's too smart for that and plus, I seek revenge not justice." Quakes was now staring into Ice eyes as they both nodded in agreement.

Diya was not happy about Quakes plan but it wasn't her place to question him. She only hoped Ice wouldn't volunteer to join his dad. Ice was a proud man and clearly he inherited this from his dad.

Ice is really back , but it seems all may not be well just yet!

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