Chapter 51: Lonesome People

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After awhile, the news after Elze's wrongdoings quieted down and life reverted back to normal.

I was given more rewards for my efforts in bringing a Witch to justice. On top of that, the mansion that Elze and Teacher kidnapped me in was given to me by Elze's uncle. I made use of the space by converting it into an orphanage like I said I would.

It was a big investment. I could no longer remain anonymous in my charitable actions. As a result, my manor was swamped with marriage proposals everyday asking for the hand of the kind woman in love with children.

I found the newfound attention quite troublesome and readied myself for my overseas trip without interruptions once more.

On my last night here, I went back to the pub where I first met Sheze to relive one of my happiest memories with him.

At the bar, there was one lonesome man who kept the seat beside him empty in a place bustling with people.

"Why are you here when you can't drink?" I asked as I took the seat right next to Sheze.

"I may have drank a lot, but I never encountered such a realistic daydream before," Sheze said absentmindedly.


I decided to poke his soft cheeks to help him confirm that I was definitely real.

"Does it get more real than this?" I asked with a wide smile on my face.

Should I have worn men's clothing if he thought I looked too fake to be real?

"Lilian? What are you doing here?" Sheze asked as he lifted his head and widened his eyes.

"I am leaving on my ship tomorrow and wanted to drink here one last time," I said as I ordered a beer for myself.

"Why must you appear now looking so pretty?" Sheze asked as he dropped his head back onto the table.

I replaced his drink with water.

"You are wasted," I said worriedly.

"I did not even drink that much...It is more surprising how someone as small as you can drink so much?" Sheze asked.

"How can someone as large as you be so weak with alcohol?" I asked teasingly.

I remember the words of our first meeting like it was just yesterday...

Sheze took water cup I gave him earlier and drank it.

"What are you doing out here by yourself? Did someone break your heart?" I asked.

"...Yeah, she broke my heart to a million pieces and has the gall to sit next to me like nothing ever happened," Sheze said crisply.

I smiled awkwardly after his remark.

"How are you feeling after Elze left?" I asked as I tried to change the topic.

Sheze seemed to sober up immediately after I mentioned Elze's name.

"Frustrated....I wish I could have lopped her head off myself," Sheze said coldly.

"...Did you not care for her?" I asked curiously.

"I had been chasing after that Witch for a long time but was never able to catch a look of her face. That elusive Witch was Elze Kruger," Sheze explained in a sober tone.

"...You got to stay near a full fledged woman and even live with her for quite awhile," I said with a slightly sore tone.

"Not according to my will. I have never once found her charming. She was not my type and always seemed fake. If that was not all, that damn Witch tried using a charm potion to seduce me shamelessly without knowing that I have a high resilience to magic potions. If not for orders to continue investigating her to get evidence on her suspicious activities, I would never had gotten close to her,". Sheze said.

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