Chapter 32: Delayed Trip

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My trip was suddenly put on hold when the ships were suspended from leaving...

The tabloids came out with the name Platinum Killer after three young girls with platinum blonde hair were found dead in very similar ways. The first victim aged twenty died in their home with the main cause of death believed to be asphyxiation. The second victim was a nineteen year old girl, and third victim who was also the newest and youngest victim aged thirteen had all died the same way.

The novel explained some other gruesome details that the tabloids did not dare mention specifically to protect the girls' honor after death. The coroners in the novel mentioned how the bodies of each girl had shown sign of use from how semen and blood were found at the scene of the crime along with a small glass vial by the deceased. It is believed that the vial contained sleeping medicine that was used to knock out the victims.

Lilian Lemaire was the first victim of Count Bernard Furst. She was the object of his affections and ended up being taken away to his mansion where unspeakable acts had happened to her. In the middle of the unspeakable act, he accidentally killed her and picked up a craving for murdering young blonde women.

The deaths followed the same timeline and scenario of the novel...I should have been the first victim, yet I survived and even thwarted my attacker by killing him on the night I should have been murdered.

Is there a killer different than the one I know of? What if this person has the same knowledge of the novel that I know of and is using that information to do unspeakable acts?

"Lady Lilian, you seem to be in deep thought," Miss Koran said as she handed me some tea.

"Yes..." I said as I was broken out of my daze by Miss Koran in a Maid uniform.

We were in the middle of my dressing up game with Miss Koran. She looked good in anything she wore, so it was hard to choose which clothes that I should make her wear as a uniform.

"How is the tea, Young Miss?" Miss Koran asked.

My heart jumped out of my chest from how charismatic Miss Koran was in a classic black and white French maid uniform.

"It's wonderful [how beautiful you are in a skirt]..." I said dazedly.

"Is it now, Young Miss?" Miss Koran asked as she pet my chin.

I soon broke out of my daze when I found myself wanting to nearly kiss Miss Koran. Miss Koran seemed amused at my ever so changing expressions.

"I think that Miss Koran should change into a suit," I suggested.

It is probably better for my heart...

"As you wish, Lady Lilian," Miss Koran said as she soon came out in a Butler's uniform.

I quickly realized my ignorance...The destructive power of Miss Koran wearing a Butler's uniform was far greater than what mere mortals could hope to bear witness to.

"I was truly blessed with a Goddess," I said to myself.

I went to town despite my family's reservations towards letting me go out into town while a serial killer was loose. They only decided to let me go out on the condition that I hide my hair color with a brown wig and to never separate from Miss Koran.

"Where should we go first, Lady Lilian?" Miss Koran asked.

"I would like to discuss things with Investigator Hughes," I said.

"Investigator Hughes? Would it not be better to get in contact with Investigator Smithing?" Miss Koran asked.

"He is too crafty of a person to deal with..." I said.

I went to the next location of where the next murder was supposed to happen. The next victim should be at an inn. I reserved a room in my name before checking-in in person.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Elze locking arms with a blonde man and laughing by his side.

"Elze!" I called out to her.

She turned around in surprise.

"Lilian!" Elze said as she greeted me with the same bright smile she always gave me. "What brings you here? Your wig looks good on you too!"

"I was in town...Who is that man you are with?" I asked her.

The man with her dressed rather loosely and did not seem to have the air of a gentlemanly person. I felt his perverse gaze leering at my figure from top to bottom. Even worse, he was not subtle at all.

"I am Lady Elze's friend," he said as he took my hand and kissed it.

I felt disgusted by his touch and quickly took my hand away. I tried to show some respect because he was still Elze's acquaintance...

"I am Lilian Lemaire," I said with a smile.

"Oh, you are the Lilian I have heard so much about? I did not think that you would be so pretty," he said as he kept getting closer to me. "You are just my type, Lilian."

"My apologies...She is with me," Miss Koran said as she pulled me into her protective embrace. "I am afraid that she has no time for you."

Miss Koran! What a heartbreaker!

"...You are wearing a suit, but your face is also quite beautiful," he said as he tried to approach Miss Koran.

Don't approach Miss Koran as you wish!

Elze suddenly pulled at his arm.

"Stop teasing my friends. We will run out of time," Elze said as she began dragging him away. "I will talk to you later, Lilian!"

"I don't remember ever becoming friends with that woman," Miss Koran said irritatedly.

"...I wonder who that man was," I said.

Why was Elze with him? The two also seemed rather close. Their relationship makes me really curious. Elze was painted as an outgoing girl who was actually quite shy towards men. It is unthinkable for her to go out of her way to befriend a man and one so flamboyant as that.

He should have been mentioned in the novel if he was friends with Elze. Then again, it is not like a novel is able to record all of the human interactions within a story. Often times, meaningless conversations or unimportant side characters are cut out to make room for more story content.

Could he be a hidden character?

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