Chapter 17: Stalker of the Past

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For several days, I would hear an extra step behind my own steps. I wondered if it was my imagination and would consistently stop at random intervals to see if I could hear the extra step.

Sure enough, there was an extra step. Furthermore, I noticed a looming shadow coming closer to me.

I was reminded of the first time I was stalked by my crazed stalker who killed me in my first life...

Unlike the novel, technology was a bit more advanced in my original world and people were more open with their darker sides...

We had large machines meant for transportation like subway cars or underground railways that were one of the pioneers for transportation. I was the one of many who often took the subway car to get home.

I was a young schoolgirl in a subway car when a young clean cut looking working man had touched my bottom. I thought it had been a mistake until he touched my bottom again and pressed me against the subway door. I was suddenly trapped between a high ledge, the door, and him.

I was very scared that a man I had not known was groping me. It was my first time experiencing a such a situation, so I did not know what to do and just paralyzed in fear. In my head, I knew that I had to scream for help, but my voice acted against me. All I could do was hope that I could run away when the doors opens at the next stop.

"The trains will be halted for twenty minutes," the conductor said.

My heart sunk when I heard that.

"Twenty minutes together...How delightful!" the groper said in my ears.

I shivered in fear.

I froze in place while the man had become bolder with his actions. He spread my legs apart with his leg between my thighs and began licking and teasing my ears with his long tongue.

"Please stop," I begged.

"Why would I do that?" the groper asked as he suddenly cupped my breasts with his hands.

I tried to pull his hands off of me but could not gather my strength in my hands.

"No...I don't want this. I will scream," I said.

Why can I not raise my voice!

"Do you want everyone to see you as you are now?" he asked as he grabbed my chin and turned me to see my reflection. My uniform was unbuttoned partly and my panties were showing. "It will be over soon if you just let me touch you for a bit..."


He soon slid his hands down my abdomen to my panties. He rubbed me over my panties. It left a strange sensation over me. He spread my legs apart even further with his other leg and now I was being suspended in the air. I placed my hands against the door to keep from falling.

Something hard in his pants was poking me in my groove. He grabbed my hips and began rubbing his hard thing against my bottom.

"Please stop," I begged.

"It's all your fault...a schoolgirl with such large breasts is too sinful," he said as he groped my breasts again.


The doors suddenly opened and I gathered my energy to run away. He grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back.

"You are not going anywhere!" he shouted.

"Stop it! You are hurting her," a man said as he grabbed the man's wrist.

The man who saved me looked to be like a college student from how he dressed in casual clothes and wore a backpack on his back.

"You must be mistaken...She is my lover," the groper said.

"Do you know this man?" my savior asked. I shook my head and denied vehemently. My savior then threw the man's hand away. "Get lost!"

The groper soon left in an angry manner and cursed at us under his breath.

My savior then put his jacket over my shoulders.

"Thank you for saving me," I said in tears.

"Do not mention it. I just saw that you were in trouble and just had to help," he said as he scratched the back of his head.

"You are just like a Hero!" I said excitedly.

"I am glad that you are safe," he said as he pat my head.

When I arrived home a few days later, I found out that he was the home tutor that my parents hired for me.

He was around seven years older than me. He was like a handsome older brother figure. I liked him because he did not look at me lustfully like most adults did at the time. I gave him my full trust. He helped me in my studies and gave me useful advice on how to make friends. It was only natural for me to like him.

I never expected for him to try to get sexual with me even though I was a minor at the time...

I rejected his advances. I thought that he was different than all of the other adults that looked at me lustfully and was betrayed when I found that he was no different than them. I had him fired as my home tutor because of that.

Ever since I blocked him on my phone, strange things started happening to me. I would find signs of someone's presence following me around whenever I left home. Sometimes I found my room cleaned even though my mother never stepped foot in my room. I would also come home to find my underwear drawers rummaged about and all of my freshly cleaned panties would be soaked in a putrid fishy smell and a strange goo would be found in my panties when I would wake up in the morning. I feared that no one would believe me without any hard evidence, so I did not tell anyone.

One day I saw my house filled with rose petals and pictures of me pasted everywhere. I finally consulted the strange events with my parents. We had no way of knowing who it was since I still had many crazy fans. All my family could do was take me and move far away.

Even after moving, I saw strange signs of someone constantly following me around but never got a good look at the person.

The stalker finally showed himself in front of me. It was my home tutor who had somehow gotten past my security and into my bedroom while I was sleeping.

He pleased himself while watching me sleep. He put his dirty used hand over my mouth when he saw me about to scream. He then taped my mouth shut and my wrists together.

My father fortunately saved me before he could do anything more to me, but after that, I could no longer be in a room without any light. I moved away far from my home and settled on my own for awhile.

In the end, my tutor found me and killed me in my past life.

Now, I had a similar gut feeling. I was being followed by someone...

I ran after turning a corner. I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Lilian?" Sheze said.

I have never once felt uncomfortable when Sheze touched me. He was a kind person who would never hurt me.

"Sheze...Sheze!" I screamed as I jumped into his embrace.

"Lilian, what's wrong?" Sheze asked as he held me.

"Someone...Someone is," I began as I looked back. The shadow had disappeared. "Never mind. I am sorry for scaring you, Sheze."

I did not want to trouble him without any hard proof, so I swallowed my words.


"Could I ask you to take me home?" I asked.

"...Of course," Sheze said as he escorted me home.

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