Chapter 20: Poor Taste

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"No! Sheze!" I screamed for help.

I was given a cloth soaked in chloroform and lost consciousness.

When I awoke again, I saw that my hands were tied above my head and that I was laying on top of a wide white bed. The room that I was being held in appeared to be like a prison cell. On the ground, I saw Miss Koran unconscious with her hands tied behind her back.

"Miss Koran..."

"You are finally awake, Lilian," a man said. I looked up and saw my previous home tutor was dressed in an all white suit. He walked towards me and took a deep breath of my scent near my ears. "I missed you so much, Lilian."

"Please release us," I pleaded.

"I have waited so long for this moment," he said as he played with my hair. "Why should I do that?"

"At least release Miss Koran...I am the one you want, yes?" I said as I tried to negotiate with him.

"You will run away if I let her go," he said as he smiled as if understanding my intentions very well. "I cannot have you running away so soon. It took me so long to find someone that looks exactly like ****. Other than your eye color, you look exactly like her from your face to your hair color. Even your names are similar."

He used my name from my first life. As I thought, he was my stalker from my original world.

"Please give Miss Koran medical treatment. She will die if you let her be," I begged in tears.

"Ah, you even cry like an Angel. I will treat her if you do me a favor...Call me Teacher from now on," he said with a smile.

"...Teacher," I said to much of my own reluctance.

He suddenly looked at me with widened eyes.

"Exactly...just like that," he said as he caressed my cheek.

He soon put a blindfold over me and lifted me up into his arms.

"Miss Koran!" I screamed.

"She will be treated, so do not worry your pretty little head," Teacher said as he kissed my forehead.


Right, I cannot expect him to come for me when he is with Elze now...

My blindfold was taken off when I was brought to a room that was almost an exact copy of my bedroom in my previous life. He had recreated the dressers, the canopy bed with light purple sheets, and even the covers on my favorite books.

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"To begin with, I would like to have dinner with you, Lilian," Teacher said. "I would like for you to change before you do."

"I am fine with what I am wearing now," I said coldly.

He took a small knife out and removed a button from the center of my shirt.

"You cannot keep wearing that if you do not want your bra showing the whole time. I also took the liberty of removing all of the dangerous items that you had on you," he said as he showed me the thigh holster with the weapons I had on earlier. He must have flipped my skirt up while I was unconscious. "I wonder why a young girl like you would carry such brutish things? Do not get any funny ideas while you are here. Just remember that I am still in control of your friend's life..."

After telling me that threat, he released my wrists from the rope and left me alone to change.

I rummaged around my thighs and pockets and found that he really did a thorough clear me of my weapons. I took off my boot and peeled back the lining. My only weapon left was a long sharpened hairpin that I had hidden in my shoe.

I tried opening the windows to find my bearings. However, all of the windows were barred with metal encasings and the sight below was covered in darkness from the lack of light.

I tried to find something to change into and opened up the dresser. I found a lot of frilly beautiful long dresses. They were not very built for mobility. I went to the nightly wear clothes in the drawers and pulled out a white miniskirt babydoll dress. After changing into it, I braided my hair and tied it with a white rope accessory and used a ribbon to cover it. I also covered my hair with several small white flower accessories to cover up the hairpin accessory.

I wore a white lace choker and wore matching lace armbands. I took the small needle kit I kept in my chest pocket and slipped it into my armband. I also wore some white thigh highs and white heels.

Outside of the door, I saw a trail of red rose petals leading from the room I was in to a large hallway.

The trail soon led to a small tablecloth table with two plate settings and a pair of wine glasses and candles.

"I did not expect for you to come in here with a nightgown," Teacher said as he entered after me. "It looks very good on you."

"I only chose this because everything else is trash. You have poor taste in clothes," I said coldly.

"My sincere apologies," he said with a soft chuckle. "I will bring more dresses suitable to your taste later. Now, eat if you want to see your friend again."

He helped me to my seat and sat across from me. We soon began eating the steak dinner quietly. I found the steak a bit over salted along with the garlic bread as well. At some point, Teacher stopped eating and just leered at me with his eyes. His eyes seemed very focused on my breasts.

"...Should we stop this dinner since you keep on just staring at me?" I asked.

I chose a vulnerable and flashy looking outfit to keep your attention occupied after all...

"Sorry, it is just a bit difficult to focus on eating when you are so beautiful," Teacher said. "You look just like her..."

"...Do I remind you of that someone that much?" I asked him.

Of course, I do. I am that person you are looking for after all...

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" Teacher asked as he laced his fingers and leaned back in his chair.

"...I am not sure," I answered vaguely as I drank water instead of the wine glass he poured for me.

"I myself am a reincarnate," he confessed.

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