Chapter 26: As Long as You Are Happy

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Miss Koran escorted me home. My family and servants did not ask any questions when they saw me hand over bloody clothes in a bag. Miss Koran just said that I had gone a little too crazy when hunting which is not understandable in any case at all for two young girls to go out hunting in the middle of a festival night without any gear nonetheless. Despite this, my parents just accepted that answer and left it as is.

I wanted long rest after the traumatic experience, so I asked that my parents refuse any visitors with the reason of me being sick just before I went to bed.

A few moments after I had rested my head on my pillow, the door to my room suddenly burst open.

Elze Kruger had rudely came into my room and began shouting, "My dear Lilian! I heard that you disappeared last night."

"I went on a long walk with Miss Koran," I said as I sat up and rubbed my head.

Wait...why does Elze know that I disappeared?

"That cannot be! No one saw you around last night," Elze said.

Why is she being insistent?

"Are you assuming that I am lying?" I asked.

"N-No, Sheze went to look for you after he escorted me around for awhile. He never returned, so I wanted to know if you were with him," Elze said.

Sheze? Is she so close enough to call him by his name so familiarly?

"I was not with him," I answered her. "You can ask Miss Koran about me. I was with her all night."

An uncomfortable feeling settled in my heart...

"Good..." Elze said with a relieved expression.

"I asked that no one come visit me. Did you come here to bother me for such a question?" I asked her coldly.

"Bother? I was just worried about you. Your servants did try to stop me from visiting you, but I forced my way in. We have a special connection, so I do not understand why they must get in our way," Elze said as she shook her head.

They were doing their job. That is why they tried to stop you...

If only you did not force yourself in, my servants would not have to think that they failed at their duties.

"Is that all, Elze?" I asked her with a smile.

"No, I wanted to know a bit more about how you met a man like Sheze?" Elze asked as her face brightened up as she sat on the bed with me.

We were lovers...

"...We were drinking buddies," I answered vaguely.

"Drinking? What an odd hobby...You never had such hobbies since I have known you," Elze said.

"It was only recently...Why do you want to know about how I know him?" I asked her.

"I want to get to know him. He seems like a good man," Elze said with a loving gaze.

I began clenching at my sheets.

I do not understand why looking at Elze makes me feel frustrated.

When I first met her in person, the original owner of this body truly felt elated at meeting Elze. The me right now feels disappointed in myself for still having feelings for Sheze.

Sheze himself also forgot about me when he met Elze...

"I do not know much about him, but it seems like he likes you too...Good for you, Elze," I said.

I felt like crying from the pain in my heart...

"I am glad that you think so too, Lilian. When I touched his arm last night, he did not push me away at all. This is a good sign, yes?" Elze asked.

He did what...

"...I see," I said.

"You will help me, right?" Elze asked as she grasped my hands.

No! Do not ask me such a thing!

"...Of course," I answered her.

My words always contradict my inner feelings...

"My Lilian is so sweet!" Elze said as she hugged my neck tightly.

After I sent Elze away, I suddenly found myself crying myself to sleep.

I woke up much later and shared dinner with my parents. I asked to speak with my father in his office after dinner.

"How are you feeling, Lilian?" Papa asked.

"Papa...I mean Father..." I corrected myself.

Papa was what I used to call my father in my previous life. Old habits die hard.

"It is alright to call me Papa," Papa said with a smile.

"Papa...I would like to end things with Sir Chaldean," I confessed.

"Has he done something to offend you?" Papa asked worriedly.

"My friend Elze is taken with Sir Chaldean...and Sir Chaldean seems to have similar feelings towards her," I said.

"What about your feelings?" Papa asked.

My forced smile gave him enough to understand my feelings.

"I would like to go traveling. I think it will do me some good to see the world. Please reject him for me," I said.

On paper, I was engaged to Sheze. The only people that can withdraw the engagement papers are either Sheze himself or my father.

I do not think I would be able to handle watching my best friend and my former lover get together.

"I will get it done as soon as possible. Please remember that your mother and I only wish the best for you. So, do anything as you long as you are happy..." Papa said as he hugged me.

In both worlds, I was blessed with good parents.

"Thank you, Papa."

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