Chapter 12: All Alone

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  The crowd is dispersing when Namjoon feels a bead of sweat roll down his face he felt unbelievably hot, his cock strained painfully against his jeans. Shit! he thought he is going into rut, he was surprised when Jimin's heat hadn't triggered it but now far away from Jin his yearning had triggered his rut. Jungkook can smell the heavy musk wafting from Namjoon and grabs Jimin tossing him over his shoulder " drive my friend you need your mate" Namjoon stalls he hates to leave Jimin so soon " go I will keep him close" Jimin raises his head " Namjoon, you smell so good" his eyes flashes lavender as he wiggles " why does he smell so good?" " go now" Jungkook barks out tightening his grasp on the wiggling Omega " Jimin I'm sorry" he says as he pulls his keys out of his pocket and raced to his car.

  Namjoon pulls out his phone and calls Jin:

Jn: hey how's it going? 

NJ: Babe listen to me, I need you to take three days off work after that get in your car and start driving

JN: Namjoon you're scaring me, is Jimin ok?

NJ: I'm going into rut

Jin's body flushed with excitement he knew exactly what that meant, lot's and lot's of sex. he shivered with anticipation

JN: I'll call my work as soon as I get off my phone, your rut usually lasts three days right?

NJ: yes, pack light and Babe you know that present I bought you  wear it, by the time you get here I'm going to be out of my mind with lust I'm not going to be patient and prep you well and I'm too big I don't want to hurt you 

  they hung up and twenty minutes later Jin is walking out the door with a bright pink buttplug in his ass with every step it shifted slightly making him horny, he's on his way to have a three-day sex marathon with his sexy Alpha and he couldn't be more excited.  

  Jungkook sat Jimin on his feet as Namjoon drove off " he was going into rut that's why he smelled so appealing to you" he needs to be with his mate" Jimin nodded " may I go to my room and rest?" Jungkook nodded frowning as the Omega walked away.

  Jungkook looked at his Batas " it's like he has a split personality" Taehyung shook his head " his fear holds him back I will try my best to help him be comfortable here and show he has nothing to fear" Jungkook and Hoseok both stared at him in awe this is the most they have heard him speak in a while. Taehyung is the strong silent type not being one to use his voice unless it was something that needed saying " me too, he's fascinating I want to know more about him" Jungkook sighed " well you both will be his guard while I am busy so I'm sure there will be plenty of time to get to know him" Jungkook hated the very thought of Jimin being left in their care but he had no choice.

  Jimin walked in the house his head down, Namjoon had only left a few minutes ago and already he felt so lonely, he blushed at how he had reacted to the scent of his rut " now little one I know what your thinking and I am an Omega myself so I understand, the first time you smell an Alpha in rut you just want to climb them like a tree your hormones are going crazy even though he is a friend" Jimin nodded red-faced " I know he was my friend and he's mated to Jin but I couldn't stop myself from wanting to go to him, though after Jungkook picked me up his scent seemed to calm me down I still wanted to go to him just not as bad" Ma clicked her tongue " well that's different, usually once an Omega scents an Alpha in heat he/she goes to great lengths to please the Alpha, but you say Jungkook's scent calmed you down" Jimin nodded " did I do something wrong" she shook her head " no, usually the only thing that can stop an Omega from going after an Alpha in rut is the scent of their mate" Jimin giggled " Jungkook is definitely not my mate my Wolf would have told me" she laughed " oh trust me you will know when you find your mate, well sweetie I need to go finish dinner you go lay down for a bit" Jimin nodded heading upstairs.

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