Chapter 10: Trust Know One

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  Jimin gasped as he stepped inside "wow it's beautiful" Ma bustled over wiping her hands on a pink apron tied around her ample waist, she grinned " Jungkook built most of it himself" she said beaming with pride " well I need to get back to the kitchen I have biscuits to make" she headed back to the kitchen. Jimin wrapped his arm around Namjoon's and leaned his head against his shoulder Jungkook frowned the Omega should not be touching a mated Alpha in such a way it is disrespectful to the Alpha's mate. Namjoon caught the look "he doesn't know any better he's just seeking comfort" Jimin looks up "did I do something wrong?" " You cannot touch a mated shifter it is disrespectful nor do you want to touch an unmatted shifter they will take that as you are interested in them" Jungkook's tone is harsh Jimin backs away in fear" I'm sorry"

   Namjoon wraps his arm around Jimin tiny waist he could feel him trembling in fear his head hung low in submission as his Omega instincts kicked in" dude what the fuck there was no need to use your Alpha voice on him look at him he terrified" Jungkook takes a threatening step towards Namjoon " you need to take your hands off him right now!" he growled out eyes flashing bright red " Jungkook, don't hurt him he's my friend" the Omegas sweet voice broke through the haze of anger that blinded him leaving Jungkook embarrassed " Namjoon I'm sorry that's never happened before" Namjoon chuckled " your rut must be close" Jungkook shook his head " it ended a few days ago" he glanced in Jimin's direction but it was empty Namjoon saw the direction he is looking and realized Jimin is gone, his arm had been around his waist and he never felt him leave.

  All senses in shifters are heightened ten folds so how had he vanished without either of them seeing or hearing him " Ma is Jimin with you?" Ma poked her head out of the kitchen " I left for a few minutes to get the eggs I just got back, no he's not with me" Jungkook felt panic rising up inside him, Jimin is terrified Omegas find a place to hide when they are scared or they run to someone they know who will protect them. Jimin didn't know anyone, so he had to be hiding.

  Jungkook opened his mind link with the rest of the pack "has anyone seen Jimin?" there were quite a few no's " I have him he was terrified but he's asleep now" Hoseok stated " I will bring him back to the house" Jungkook closed the mind link " he is with Hoseok" he felt the anger starting to swirl in his gut once again when Zola walked into the room a smirk on her face " so he's set his sight on Hoseok, how ironic he is your second in command but you say he knows nothing of our ways" she laughed " it sounds like the Omega is playing you all for a fool. Too bad he doesn't realize yet how much of an asshole he really is " Jungkook glared at her " I used my Alpha voice on him by mistake and scared him he ran to the strongest person he knew, Hoseok and Taehyung are my second command for a reason" she laughed " that's exactly my point he can't have you so he runs right to the second-best but I'm sure Hoseok told him off" she said happily " he will probably walk through the door in tears" 

  The door open and Hoseok carried a giggling Jimin inside " you didn't have to carry me all the way here but thank you" Hoseok sat him on his feet, Jimin looked everywhere but at Jungkook   " Jimin I'm sorry I scared you I honestly don't know what came over me" Jimin finally turned his big blue eyes to him " it's my fault I broke the rules I deserved to be punished" Zola scowled         " why was I not informed he broke a rule I am the Luna here I should have been informed immediately" Jungkook turned cold eyes to her " I was in the wrong not him! He is not aware of our rules nor is he a member of our pack after he is explained the rules IF he breaks one he is to be gently corrected there will be no punishments " Namjoon shook his head Jungkook's mate is a complete bitch how he stood her is beyond him. Zola caught his gaze " what are you looking at?" she snapped out Namjoon rolled his eyes " a bitch" she gasped " you dare to speak to me in this way, I am the Luna of the Dark Moon pack you will respect me" Namjoon snorted " I am no longer a member of the pack YOU are not my Luna. Jimin is a guest in your pack but you have done nothing but be rude to him since he stepped out of the car that is not behavior befitting a Luna" she smirked " you're a Rogue you should have been killed on sight" she bit out.

  Namjoon rolled his eyes " Jungkook, I think you're made needs some loving because she is in one hell of a bad mood" Hoseok laughed " that is part of the problem he won't touch her they are mated in name only and that pisses her off" she leaped at Hoseok Jungkook grabbed her by the waist flinging her to the ground " I tried so hard to be patient but your behavior grew harsher and harsher. I explained from the beginning we would never be mates I only wanted you to be my Luna, I do not love you nor will I ever love you you have never accepted that and this has made you cold and bitter, so I release you as my mate and strip you of your title of Luna. As Alpha of the Dark Moon pack, this is my final decision, tomorrow we will vote on if you are allowed to stay. 

  Zola whirled around " this is your fault" she lunged and grabbed Jimin by his hair shaking him like a rag doll, Jimin reached out a hand and screamed as blue electricity shot from his palm knocking her across the room she slumped to the floor not moving. Jimin stared at his hand then up to Namjoon " what did I do?" he whispered before crumpling to the floor, Jungkook caught him before he hit the floor " I can hear Zola's heartbeat she's just unconscious, but Jimin's heart is weak I think he's in shock" Ma shook her head " in all my years I have never seen such as that" Jungkook gently lay Jimin on the couch while he used the pack link to call for Jackson" Namjoon, he isn't just a shifter" Namjoon nodded slowly " then what is he?"       

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