Chapter 18: War

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  Jungkook wakes out of a dead sleep to one of the night guards shouting in his head. He scented a vampire close. Jungkook had signed a peace treaty with the Yoongi considered the leader but truly the King, but not every vampire followed Yoongi's rule. These vampires are called Renegades, similar to Rogues they have either been kicked out or left by choice. Yoongi has zero compassion for Rogues as they are usually bloodthirsty and take pleasure in taking a life, be it human or shifter. 

  When asked why he kills Rogues Yoongi stated " he has seen his fair share of bloodshed in his years of existence and he now realizes it was unnecessary to take an actual life", humans have romanticized vampires it is no longer hard to find a willing donor. Vampires no longer starved and had to drain their victims dry but freely drink from their donor every few days, it is a mutually beneficial Symbiotic relationship between vampire and donor. The vampire quenches his thirst while the donor enjoys the orgasmic pleasure of their bite. 

  Jimin sat up groggily " Mr. Min is here" Jungkook eyed the Omega in surprise " how do you know Yoongi?" Jimin rubbed the sleep from his eyes " I bumped into him one-day I thought he was another shifter because his eyes turned white..." Jungkook scowled " his eyes turned white which means..." Jimin blushed " I know what it means he told me, he's been watching over me since he's probably just here to check on me" Jimin started to slip from the bed but Jungkook stopped him " I will go check first " Jimin nodded eyes skimming over Jungkook's bare chest " I didn't even get to watch you take it off" he bit his lip eyeing Jungkook toned six-pack.

    Jungkook bent over and grabbed his jeans off the floor " and here I thought you were shy" Jimin giggled wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck " I am just not around you" Jungkook turned and pecked his lips " stay here and later you can watch me undress" Jimin flopped down on the bed " deal, let me know when I can come to talk to Yoongi" Jungkook nodded as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. Jungkook swore in his head as he looked at the beautiful Omega stretched out on the bed, Yoongi better have a damn good reason for pulling him away from his Omega at three in the morning.

Jimin has just finished dressing when a cloud of black smoke appeared and Yoongi stepped out " hello Jimin" Jimin giggled " you waited till Jungkook left the room, didn't you" Yoongi smiled  " I did not expect the Alpha to be in your room but yes I waited for him to leave before I made my appearance" Jimin giggled and hugged him " I am happy to see you, though you seem a little stressed" Yoongi sighed" that is why I am here I wanted to see you but I had something I needed to discuss with Jungkook or I would have never bothered him on a Full Moon.

  Jimin giggled as he heard the front door crash open and Jungkook stomped inside mumbling about fucking vampires " we better go downstairs he gets jealous very easy and I don't want him attacking you" Yoongi patted Jimin's head " so he is your mate?" Jimin shook his head as he lowered his head staring at the floor " I don't think so" Yoongi could feel his sadness heavy around him like a dense fog. The sound of heavy boots on the stairs made them both turn their head, Jungkook stood in the doorway minutes later " if we were going to play hide and seek it would have been nice to be informed" he growled out heading into the room to wrap his arm around Jimin pulling him close to his side " why are you in my Omegas bedroom?" Jimin rolled his eyes " I am not your Omega so calm yourself I told you Yoongi is my friend if he wants to come in my room he can" Yoongi held up his hand "I did not come to cause unrest I need to speak to you about an important matter" Yoongi turned his head suddenly " fuck we don't have time they are headed this way" Jungkook tensed " Yoongi, tell me what the fuck your babbling about" Yoongi turned his eyes glowing red with anger " I have been keeping close tabs on a band of Renegades they have been heading in this direction. I caught one of them and questioned him, a shifter hired them to kill and Omega by the name Jimin. I flashed here but they are fast they will be here within the hour" Jungkook growled, eyes flashing bright red.

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