Chapter 15: Temptation

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  Jimin now showered and dressed sat next to Aaron at the table, Ma had refused to let him leave until his stomach is full. He eyed the stack of flaky hot biscuits and bowel of sausage gravy his stomach growled hungrily as his mouth watered, there is a tub of butter homemade preserves and honey on the table along with a bowl of fresh-cut melon. He watched as the Alphas and Betas piled their plates high with biscuits before drowning them in gravy he shook his head with a smile he wished he could eat like that then maybe he could gain weight. His stomach had shrunk so much from not eating that he is full after a few bites, but he is determined to gain weight, reaching for a biscuit he split it in half then ladled gravy covering both halves, reaching for another biscuit he split it in two slathering each side in butter and strawberry jam after adding a spoonful of fruit to his plate he dug in.

  Taking a big bit of biscuit covered in jam he bit back a moan as the strawberry flavor burst in his mouth, he is to wrapped up in eating to notice everyone staring at him, he licks his jam smeared lips taking another bite Aaron chuckles as Jimin chews happily using his napkin he wipes a bit of Jam from the corner of Jimin's lip " thank you he mumbles shyly facing heating up as his cheeks turn pink " Ma this is so good" " I'm done" Jungkook throws his napkin on the table leaving his half-eaten plate abandoned plate on the table" Jungkook, you've hardly eaten anything" he pushed back his chair without a word and stood up marching out of the room a few seconds later the loud bang of the screen door is heard, she sighs shaking her head.

  Jimin caught a glimpse of Jungkook bright red eyes, it was odd he didn't seem horny he seemed downright pissed. He cleaned his plate " Ma do you need help with the dishes?" she smiled sweetly "  no dear, you go have fun with Aaron" Jimin giggled "let's go" he said pulling on Aaron's arm. Taehyung smiled at Jimin's excitement as the little Omega pulled the pig Alpha from his chair and walked out of the house hands clasped together. Hoseok snorted " shit is about to hit the fan" Ma sighed " my boy loves food more than anything for him to leave in the middle of a meal is unheard of he was sure riled up over nothing"Taehyung nodded " Aaron verily touched him but his eyes changed immediately but he must have suppressed his scent because I didn't smell anything"  Ma stood up, " I think it best we hide this from Jimin for now, there is no need to confuse him he's too fragile " she started stacking plate to take back to the kitchen as she spoke " you too stay close to Jungkook I do not want two Master Alphas fighting over Jimin it would scare him and God only knows what he would do" they nodded heading out the door to find Jungkook.

  Jimin perched on a fallen tree Arron sat beside him the forest seemed silent and still, but Jimin knew it teamed with life he could feel every heartbeat with every breath he took. Slowly an elk stepped out of hiding, walking towards them more and more stepped out of hiding. Aaron sat in awe as all the animals came to Jimin wanted his attention. Mama black bear and her two cubs showed up one cub immediately climbed into Jimin's lap. The cub is half his size and weighed about forty-five pounds Jimin is being crushed but smiles and pets the animal " Night, let Aaron look at your paw he may be able to fix it"  Aron sighed " I can take a look at it but I didn't bring my bag " it had slipped his mind maybe it had something to do with the giggle sweet-scented Omega next to him " if we need to get it we can, I call her Night she likes the name" the bear stood on her hind legs stretching out her left paw towards Aaron " If I get mauled I better get at least one kiss for the pain" Jimin blushed " she won't hurt you but I promise a kiss if she does" Aaron stood up the bear is smaller than him but she is strong and has huge sharp claws that can do a lot of damage, taking a few steps he took the big paw in his hand inspecting the pads of her feet seeing nothing he checked between he toes that's when he spotted the large thorn he plucked it out earning a grunt from the bear "I found it and removed it, there's no sign of infection it was probably stuck there slowly working its way in lucky for her bears have a thick skin and it hadn't worked in too deep."

Rare Breed (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora