Chapter 14: Aaron

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  Jimin's eyes fluttered open as the bright morning sun shined on his face, he stretched lazily inhaling the amazing scent of pine coming from the man next to him. His body stiffened as his eyes racked over the sleeping Alpha, jerking backward he fell off the bed. Jimin thought it had been a very vivid dream he groaned as he stood up rubbing his sore hip absently the Alpha groaned softly drawing Jimin's attention " fuck Jimin" Jungkook throws his head another soft moan bursting past his lips. 

  Jungkook's scent is powerful the urge to touch him is strong, he felt himself growing aroused as the powerful scent flooded his senses but he held his ground. He stared at the Alpha on the bed trying to find an explanation, maybe he was dreaming that's when he noticed the blanket over Jungkook's crotch region ripple strangely. Jungkook's eyes flew open " Jimin please tell me that's your hand " Jimin wanted to laugh but it really wasn't that funny, now he realized why Jungkook was moaning. Jimin pulled the blanket back exposing the giant Rattlesnake coiled up on Jungkook's crotch region " what are you doing there?" he blushed beat red " I was really doing that in my sleep" " Jimin, you can talk later please move him" Jimin crawled onto the bed and lifted the snake up his hand brushing the front of Jungkook's jeans in the process making him clench his teeth.

  Jungkook thought he was having an amazing dream, Jimin is palming his cock through his jeans making him moan but his senses told him otherwise as his eyes flew open he had hoped he was mistaken but nope, a huge ass snake was slithering around on his dick making him hard what's worse is Jimin's hand brushing his semi-hard cock as he picked up the damn snake. Jungkook leaped off the bed racing from the room he had never been so embarrassed in his life.

  Jimin giggled as Jungkook left the room he noted the Alphas blushing face as he rushed out the door " cute, I'm going to take you both outside then I need to shower and get dressed" Wolfie waited patiently by the door as Jimin carried the snake, he opened the door and is greeted with the tantalizing scent of biscuits and sausage his mouth watered. He climbed down the stairs scenting the Betas before he saw them he smiled " good morning guys" " good morning" they returned, Hoseok scrunched his nose " you reek of Jungkook" " why is that?" Tea asked with a smirk on his pretty face " I need to take these two outside, breakfast sure smells good" he said talking rapidly trying to sidestep the question. Ma came out of the kitchen she hugged Jimin tightly " are you sore, darlin?" she asks " my boy had better of took good care of you" Jimin is a blushing and stuttering mess.

  Jungkook came down the stairs " Ma we did not do that I held him because he was scared I would never do that with him" for some reason he words made his heartache, but of course what is he thinking a powerful Alpha would never want someone like him maybe to fuck he is an Omega after all but never as a mate. Everyone's eyes turned to Jimin as his sweet scent turned bitter Jungkook is clueless because he can't smell the Omega but he can sense something is wrong " Jimin, are you all right?" Tae asks  Jimin smiles " I'm fine" he heads to the door to let the animals out.   

  Ma punches Jungkook in the stomach making him gasp " you keep your paws off that boy unless you want to mate him he's been hurt enough" Jungkook is doubled over trying to catch his breath he's pissed " do you think I wanted to jump in bed with him he looks anorexic I would rather curl up with a soft, curvy Omega than a bag of bones so get off my ass I don't want to sleep with him" 

Jimin is headed back to the house when Jungkook's raised voice is heard, he is talking about him he hears everything, so it's true he really is ugly the pack must have been completely disgusted when he stepped out Namjoon's car, the sea of red and green eyes was only a reaction to his scent. For a moment he had felt good about himself they told him so many times he was beautiful he had almost started to believe them, almost. 

  Aaron watched the tiny Omega, he had been frozen in place for a good fifteen minutes. From the sour scent swirling about him, he is very upset tears are streaming down his pretty face before he knows it he is moving towards him " little Omega you are too pretty to be this sad" eyes the color of a stormy sea turn to him, Aarong feels like he's been sucker-punched he really is stunning, even with his hollow cheeks and skinny body he's breathtaking " they told me you were pretty but wow you are beautiful" " stop lying to me, everyone is lying to me I'm disgusting!" Jimin yells backing away. Tea and Hoseok glance at each other hearing the commotion from outside, everyone runs to the door Hoseok flings it open and rushes outside seeing a crying Jimin and a worried Aaron trying to comfort him.

  Aaron approached him slowly not wanting to scare him " whoever told you, you were ugly needs to have their eyes checked because you are beautiful" three sets of eyes glared at Jungkook, he felt like a complete ass for losing his temper but it pissed him off that they assumed he couldn't control himself around an Omega so he went off not meaning anything he said not in a million years would he think Jimin would hear him " Jungkook, look at that boy right now see those tear you caused them I hope you feel like a big strong Alpha breaking him, he'd never hurt a fly he has the biggest heart but you had to go and lose your temper because of you pride I hope you're proud of yourself" Jungkook looked up to see Aaron holding a sobbing Jimin in his arms, Jungkook took a step only to have Taehyung stop him " you done enough damage just stay away from him" he walked down the steps Hoseok right behind him. 

  Jimin allowed Aaron to pick him up and carry him to the porch swing where they sat Jimin curled up in his lap like a kitten sound asleep " who the fuck would tell him he's ugly are they blind" Aaron bit out, Jungkook sighed and told him what was said " Aaron, you know I rarely lose my temper but for some reason, it really bothered me they assumed I couldn't control myself around him" Aaron glanced at the grinning Betas Jungkook really didn't know why he was clueless, oh this will be fun.

  The small Omega stirred in his arms, his scent had calmed now the powerful scent of roses invaded his senses, he buried his nose in Jimin's hair earning a giggle from Jimin " are you smelling me?" Aaron grinned " I am you smell amazing" Jungkook felt a knot forming in his stomach as anger burned within he wanted to rip Jimin away from the Alpha, what the hell is wrong with him!  Jimin wasn't his so why did he feel so protective of him?

  Jungkook called softly to Jimin making him press closer to Aaron " Jimin, we need to talk" Jimin hid his face in Aaron's neck ignoring the big Alpha " fine then I'll say it here, I didn't mean anything I said earlier I was just pissed off and said some stupid things I didn't mean, you truly are exquisite and I'm very sorry that I lowered your self-esteem I'll admit I'm an idiot and chose my words carelessly" Jimin finally turned his head to face him " I know I need to work on my self-esteem but I realized it stupid to be upset because someone doesn't find me attractive, as long as one person does that is all that matters and one day I will find that person" Aaron smiled " wow I'm proud of you" Jimin beamed from the praise " thank you, I really need to go shower and get dressed but I do have a question" Aaron smiled " ask away" Jimin smiled " why do you have such a strong energy around you it's a lot like Jungkook's?" Aaron chuckled " that is because I like Jungkook are a master Alpha this means we are strong and powerful. I could challenge Jungkook for leadership since I'm older it was expected of me to challenge him when his father died our old Alpha but I had no desire to be a leader I just wanted to work with animals and leave the rest to him"  Jimin giggled happily " you like animals, oh my gosh you have to meet my friends and look at Diablos teeth and I think mama bear has a thorn in her paw " he chuckled " we can do all that after you shower and change" Jimin jumped to his feet " I will go get ready" he rushed into the house.

  Jungkook stood there dejectedly Jimin had never once smiled that heart-stopping smiling at him, he'd give anything to see it just once aimed at him. Jungkook had never felt jealous once in his life but at this moment he could honestly say he loathed Aarons very existence.  

A/N: The picture at the top of the screen is Aaron (try not to look down challenge failed) OMG! guy The choreography to Black Swan is so beautiful I watched it ten times with tears in my eyes, I am so proud of the boys! 

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