Chapter 9: The Pack

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  A woman broke from the crowd and rushed to Jimin pulling him from behind Namjoon and hugging him tightly smothering him in her ample bosom " oh my goodness you are just the sweetest thing you look like a little doll, my goodness your so thin imma have to fatten you up, Suga what is your name?" Jimin giggled hugging her back she smelled so nice like sun-ripened cherries " my name is Jimin ma'am"  she finally released him giving him a big smile " you just call me Ma none of this ma'am stuff" she wrapped her arm around Jungkook " this big fellow is my boy I promise I raised him right he just forgot his manners at the moment, his name is Jungkook and he is the Alpha of the Dark Moon pack" Jungkook cleared his throat " ma I am capable of..." she elbowed him in the ribs making him grunt " you were too busy smelling him without his permission scaring the poor boy I know I taught you manners" Jungkook stood up straight and looked down at the Omega ready to apologize, as soon as their eyes met every thought left his mind. The Omega is beautiful his blue eyes sparkled like the finest sapphires, his full red lips begged to be claimed.

  Jimin ducked his head as his cheeks heated Jungkook had been staring way to long making him uncomfortable. Ma chuckled " come with me Jimin I will introduce you to our family since my son seems to have lost his voice"  Namjoon watches Jimin walk away he turns to Jungkook smacking him harshly across his back " what the hell!" Jungkook blinks staring at Namjoon " I looked him in the eyes and my mind went completely blank" Namjoon laughed " he has that effect on people it's kind of like looking at an Eclipse you should never look at it directly, if I hadn't met my mate I would have snatched him up immediately" Jungkook grinned slapping Namjoon on the back " you found your mate that is wonderful" Namjoon beamed " his name is Jin, he's a doctor and makes me very happy. He's human I haven't spoken to him about changing yet, he's thirty-five I need to do it soon because if he continues to age he may not survive the shift it will be too hard on his body and I couldn't survive without him" Jungkook gripped Namjoon's shoulder " that is rough, my friend, I would tell him as soon as possible" Namjoon nodded.

  Jimin giggled as a big Alpha fawned over him " I believe you are the sweetest thing I have ever seen. My name is Jackson..." there is a scream and chaos ensues the crowd disperses in every direction. A little girl runs towards Jungkook Diablo broke his enclosure" Jungkook looks up just in time to see the massive black stallion charge around the house and head directly for Jimin then something unexpected happened Diablo slowed and dropped to his knees in front of the Omega it looked like he was bowing to him, Jimin reached out and rubbed the horses large head " I'm sorry you're in pain but you are safe here no one will hurt you" a single tear trickled out of the horse's eye. Jungkook watched in shock as the horse stood up and let Jimin run his hands over his body touching each scar lovingly, Diablo let no one near him he knew by the scars on his skin that he had a tough life and didn't trust easily but this, what he is witnessing is amazing.

  Jimin giggled as the horse nuzzled his neck " I've never ridden a horse before but ok you can show me around"  Jungkook stepped forward only to be stopped by his mother " that horse ain't gonna hurt a hair on his pretty little head so just watch and don't interfere" " look at him he is tiny if that horse bucks him he will surely break something" his mother shook her head " just watch" Diablo dropped to the ground and allowed Jimin to climb on his back then stood up slowly.

  Namjoon can't believe what he has just witnessed, Jimin had told him animals had been his friends but what he had just witnessed is unbelievable " Jimin, you can't go off by yourself" Jimin smiled " it's just past the tree line I'll be ok" Jungkook frowned there is nothing beyond the tree line but a graveyard at that moment Jungkook knew exactly where the horse is taking him. Ma reached and took his hand " they truly were the best of friends " she is speaking of Rowdy their sheepdog the only animal Diablo seemed to like and allow in his pasture sadly Rowdy had passed away from old age a few months ago " he never got to say goodbye" she said with tears in her eyes "he wants to show Jimin his friend and say his farewell" Jungkook nodded as he watched the big horse plod slowly across the yard heading to the back of the house.

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