Chapter 13: The Plot Thickens

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  Jungkook blinked " you... were.... cuddling with these two?" Jimin nodded, Jungkook clenched his fist as a muscle jumped in his cheek he opened his mouth but Taehyung cut him off " he is joking he didn't touch us" Jungkook sighed as Jimin giggled. Wolfie whimpered " ok I'll take you outside" Jimin turned " he needs to go to the bathroom " Jimin stated as he walked over to his suitcase pulling red knit shorts and a white t-shirt out he quickly put them on " Jimin you wanted to ask him a question," Hoseok said with a smile Jimin returned his smile " Jungkook, this is probably a rude question but do all Alphas have a high sex drive because neither Hoseok or Tae have reacted the way the Alphas have frankly I am much more comfortable around them than I am with an Alpha, every Alpha I have come in contact with looks at me as if he wants to eat me, except you of course " Jungkook shot a glare at his Betas before answering" Betas are immune to an Omegas scent that is why a lot of unmated Omegas choose a Beta to help them through their heat because all Betas are born sterile so there is no chance of pregnancy, Betas are warriors they do not get distracted by rut or by an Omega in heat. 

    Wars have been lost because one side sends an Omega in heat onto the field of battle only to have Alphas blindly rush out only to be picked off one by one, Omegas are an Alphas only weakness if you were raised as an Omega you would be flattered by the attention because Alphas are attracted to beauty and you are one of the prettiest Omegas they have ever seen" Jimin shook his head " people keep telling me this but I don't see it, they are so curvy and I'm" he held out his bony arm " so not" Tae patted his leg " but you are and after eating Ma's cooking for a few weeks you're going to complain about needing to lose weight" Jimin giggled " I can start dancing again if that happens I really miss it" Hoseok perked up " you dance, I teach dance glasses in town you should come with me sometime" Jimin nodded clasping his hands in excitement.

  Wolfie is pacing by the door " he seems to have perked up a bit" Jimin nodded smiling at Tae as he spoke " cleaning the wound and removing the glass really helped he's not in as much pain" both Betas shouted raising their feet as a massive Rattlesnake slithered out from under the bed  " what are you doing here I told you I would visit you tomorrow" Jimin picked up the snake " you are very naughty I am taking you outside" Jungkook sighed " since he's here I guess he can stay as long as he stays in your room, it kind of puts my mind at ease knowing you have protection if someone tries to get to you in the middle of the night" Jimin smiled and kissed the top of the snakes head " no biting unless you know I am in danger" he said as he set the snake on the bed.

  They took Wolfie outside to do his business, Jimin hated to see the wolf in pain his mind pushing him to try something he could feel Arden urging him on. Jimin sat in the grass and called Wolfie to him, he wrapped his arms tightly around the Wolf's sides and closed his eyes. 

  Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok watched from the porch as Jimin began to glow the white light is so bright it nearly blinds them. Wolfie begins to squall in pain Hoseok stiffens " Jungkook if he..." Jungkook shakes his head not wanting to hear what Hoseok is going to say though in his heart he already knew " just watch and wait do nothing unless I say" Hoseok and Taehyung both nodded, the white light began to fade leaving Jimin holding a panting Wolfie. Jimin released him, they are shocked to see the Wolf jump around like a pup he is no longer limping. Wolfie pounced on Jimin knocking him over he licked his face as Jimin squealed " your welcome" Hoseok looked at Jungkook " he healed him" Jungkook nodded shocked to the core at what he had just witnessed.

  Jimin stood up slowly he weaved on his feet he felt completely drained, Tae jumped the railing and picked him up " Jimin you need to stop doing this you are going to harm yourself" Jimin shook his head " I can't see someone in pain anyway my body told me it was ok" Taehyung carried him up the steps as Jimin rested his head on his shoulder " I'm going to tuck him in" Jungkook nodded opening the door watching as Taehyung followed by Wolfie walked inside soon disappearing upstairs. 

  Tae pulled back the covers and laid Jimin on the pale blue cotton sheets, pulling the blue-checkered quilt Ma had made up around his shoulder " thank you TaeTae" Tae smiled " your welcome"  he glared at the snake " if you bite him I will turn you into a belt" the snake slid under the covers curling up against Jimin's waist. Taehyung left the room quietly heading downstairs.

  Hoseok paced the room " that much power in such a small body worries me he can easily be consumed by his own power and turn dark" Jungkook shook his head " Hoseok" Hoseok stopped pacing and faced him " Jungkook we have to talk about this do you think I want to hurt him? he is so sweet and innocent it would kill me inside but if the time came..." Jungkook sighed " we will inject him with Monkshood and lock him in a cage till we can figure out what to do" Hoseok nodded " ok I can do that" Taehyung sat beside Jungkook on the couch the brown leather creaked under his weight " I've read his mind he is so pure all he wants to do is help people even though they have done nothing but cause him pain, did you know the day he arrived his manager tried to rape him" Jungkook whipped his head around " why didn't he tell me, no wonder he was so scared" " he is scared of sex he thinks it will only end in pain, he is scared to embrace who he is because being Omega means being sexual and he fears that the most, he is also in a way denying his Wolf they have not truly become one" Ma came out of the kitchen in a pink flannel nightgown her hair now down in a long braid to her waist " he's right, Jimin is denying his very nature, we need to find someone he is comfortable with and show him that intimacy is not scary. Taehyung he seems to like you would you be willing to do this?"             " lucky bastard" Hoseok mumbled.

  Taehyung laughed " I am attracted to him but he needs to get over his fear of Alphas Aaron will be home tomorrow I think they will get along well they both love animals I mean Aaron is a vet so why don't we see what happens between them" Ma giggled " that's a wonderful idea half the pack is in love with him because he's such an Angel. Jungkook weren't you going to have Aaron do some of Jimin's training?" Jungkook nodded " I wanted him to teach him our history and rules Hoseok and Taehyung will teach him to fight and I will only after he puts on weight will help him grow strong" They nodded in agreement," I noticed something in every memory Jimin has he is wearing that necklace he is always wearing from what I understand he cannot take it off I feel like there is a connection somehow to that necklace" Taehyung stated Jungkook frowned " do you think it's enchanted?" Taehyung nodded " I think that that necklace has everything to do with what has happened to Jimin. I think that necklace has stopped Jimin from shifting but I think Jimin's own power was too strong and he still was able to call animals to comfort himself, but why was all this done to him? whoever did this knew what he was and went to great means to make sure he never knew what he was, Jimin was never supposed to find his way here I'm afraid if this person finds out they will kill him" 

  Jungkook stared at Taehyung " that is why we need to train him and train him well" the others nodded in agreement Hoseok yawned " I am beat I'm going to bed" Taehyung followed him out the door heading to their shared cabin, Ma kissed Jungkook's cheek and said" goodnight" before heading to her room. Jungkook stood up and stretched before moving around the house shutting off all the lights with that complete he headed upstairs, he found himself drawn to Jimin's room every time he turned away he found himself coming back, sighing in defeat he opened the door he heard the Wolfie growl he growled back making the Wolf drop to his belly in submission.

  Jungkook walked in glancing around for the snake he didn't see it but he could smell its scent coming from the bed, the curtains are open casting moonlight over Jimin's beautiful face, he felt something stir in the region of his heart as he gazed at Jimin moonlit face. Jimin's eyes fluttered open " Jungkook is everything ok? do you need me?" Jungkook wanted to groan, yes he needed him with every ounce of his being he wanted him in his arms in his bed. Jungkook brushed Jimin's cheek with his thumb " you are so beautiful" Jimin took his hand carefully in his " will you hold me" he softly whispered. Jungkook kicked off his shoes and went around the bed climbing in under the covers he wrapped his arm around Jimin's thin waist, Jimin rolled over burying his face into Jungkook's chest, he smelled so nice like a Pine Forest the scent lulled him back to sleep. 

A/N: Do you guys want Namjin smut or do you want me to continue with the story? let me know ASAP

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