Chapter7: Handsome Stranger

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  Jimin snatched the thirty-day notice off his door with tears in his eyes for a week he had almost forgotten how pathetic his life really was. The coffee shop paid decently, but he was robbed one night on his way home from work he had just cashed his check that morning they stole every penny he had he had no food but the baked goods from the bakery and couldn't pay rent, he tried to explain to his landlord but she had no sympathy for his plight she gave him a week to come up with the money. He had tried to find another job and even take out a small loan but came up short on both.

  When his heat had finally ended, he checked his phone only to discover a voicemail from his boss telling him he was fired for not coming into work. The thought of ending it all crossed his mind he was so tired of all the pain and humiliation that his life had brought him but Arden made his presence known "  Jimin, I understand your pain but death is never the answer if you die so do I and I have no desire to perish my only desire is to find our mate once we find them we will be happy so please think of them, our mate will take care of us just be strong  for a little longer" 

  Jimin unlocked the door and opened it and walked inside the barren apartment he owned no furniture he couldn't afford any and even if he did, he had no friends to help him move it. The weathered pale emerald carpet muffled his steps as he walked to the bundle on blankets in the corner. This is his bed, there is no bedroom just one large room and a tiny bathroom with a sink, shower, and toilet. A small counter stuck out from the far wall this is the kitchen it held a small fridge and stove both a hideous yellowish beige color a small patch of linoleum in almost the same color covered the small space.

  Jimin climbed under his blankets he simply wanted to sleep, his phone rang making him scramble to find it in his tangle of covers, finally he located it and saw on the screen Namjoon's name:

JM: hello

NJ: hey, so I called my old pack leader and told him your situation he is willing to take you in the pack and teach you our ways if you are willing to go

JM: I was fired from my job and have to be out of my apartment by tomorrow so I might as well go at least I will have a place to stay for a while

NJ: Jimin I will not let you be homeless so don't worry about that if anything you can stay at my apartment and I will stay with Jin, Jin is my true mate, and I finally claimed him so I won't be attracted to your scent any longer your heat may make me horny but I'm not going to attack you

JM: I'm happy you found your mate, I knew there was something between you I could sense it. He's human is that weird for your kind?

NJ: our kind Jimin, remember your a shifter too and no it's not odd it does happen. Alphas are very strong so I have to be careful with him during our mating but other than that there is no issue

JM: While I'm with your old pack I will keep my eye out for a job maybe I can find something in the area and save up some money while I'm there so then I will only have to stay at your apartment for a short time till I have enough saved up to get another place and find another job

NJ: Jimin, stay as long as you like actually I own the apartment building so once you get a job you can stay there for free I have a few people that have given notice so you can choose what you want

JM: I refuse to stay for free but I won't refuse a break on the rent

NJ: fine a hundred dollars a month

Jimin wanted to refuse but common sense told him to accept

JM: ok I can do that, so when do we leave?

NJ: tomorrow eight am so get some rest

they disconnected, Jimin made another call and ask Jin if he could store his meager belonging at his place. Jin showed up an hour later with a few boxes looking around his empty apartment Jin demanded that he come home with him " Jimin, I refused to let you sleep on the cold hard floor one more night when I have a perfectly good bed you can sleep in" Jimin being too exhausted to argue neatly folded his bedding and placed them in a box along with his cookware and dishes " I guess that's it" everything else is packed in a duffel bag that he is taking with him on the trip.

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