He likes my Sister, Kathy.

My grin grew to the point where my cheeks were starting to hurt. He can totally go for my sister, besides she won't mind it. I knew her so well that I knew Jordan is her type of guy. Out of excitement, I clapped my hands like one of those freaky monkey dolls. Thankfully no one noticed me, which made me release a sign of relief.

That out of the way, I slapped the table firmly to get the boys attention since they both were too entranced in their mind conversation. Now with a stinging hand, I stare at them and state, "Let's get to work."

"Alright Ana just text us when you see any sight of Darren and will be ready to give you backup." Kale told me. I nodded my head and placed my phone safely in my back pocket where I could feel it if it buzzed on me. With my duffel bag that I packed with all my spy stuff, I placed it in the trunk of Kale's Mustang and hopped in to the passenger seat. Shortly after, I felt the thud of the trunk closing and Kale swiftly getting to the car. In the car now, he puts the keys in and peels us out of the drive way and heading down the rocky road from their estate, Victorian worthy home.

Kale silently flicked the radio on and put on some random alternative station and Ok Go was playing. I twist the knob, turning up the volume and start singing along to Shooting the Moon. I have to say I was completely rocking out, till Kale joined in. Let's just say he will never ever be a singer.

Once the first few lyrics left his mouth I started laughing so hard! At one point, I plainly couldn't even breath and with tears in my eyes. I finally looked up at Kale and found him laughing as well. That just sent me back into a hysterical laughing fit. I seriously was laughing at nothing but everything seemed so funny.

Ten minutes later we both stopped and just smirked at each other. Kale being the gentlemen broke the silence saying, "You're a beautiful singer and as you can tell my singing isn't the greatest." I scuffed loudly.

"Not the greatest? You sounded like a frog drowning!" I told him with a giggle.

"A drowning frog? I thought I sounded more like a fantastic singer?" He asked but I knew he was just playing with me.

"You can think that, just don't join a singing competition because you will fail miserably." I said with a shrug while trying to keep a straight face. The laughter wanted to escape but I didn't want another laughing fit. The end of this argument coming to a close, I find that we are parked in front of my home. A sign escapes my lips. I just don't want to go back yet, but I needed to protect my sister.

That thought firm in my mind, I open my door and trudge to the trunk. With a click of the car keys, I open the trunk and pull my duffel bag out, swiftly closing the lid. Moving straight to the front of the vehicle, I stare at Kale and do something strange. I lift my right hand, kiss the air and blow in the direction of Kale. His shocked expression pleased me in a way and I skipped up the new wood porch. I look back one more time and see Kale the same way. Winking, I grab the handle of the door and open it. Slowly stepping over the threshold I stare at the home.

Surprisingly, it didn't feel like home anymore. Instead it was more like staying at a friend's.

I pass the kitchen and head to my sister's room. I knock lightly on the door and hear a soft, 'come on in' from inside. I twist the handle and see my sister on her bed with her head back against the board.

She turned her head and gasped at me; with stretching arms I cross the room and hug her tightly. Tears stained the sleeve of my shirt; I lightly loosen my grip and sit beside her. Right at the moment I see her face and I can tell she's scared. Bags circle her eyes and she seems like she's been crying for awhile with the red rims overlapping the bags. It almost looks like she's done nothing since I left yesterday. Her shirt wrinkled and stained from crying so much. Nose running rivers of snot, and a tissue box dismantled and the tissues themselves were scattered about. My gaze settles back on my sister, and anger boils within me. That arrogant nutcase of a pig butt!

With yellow tinged vision, I ask, "Kathy, what happened?"

She sobs harder and shields her face back into my shoulder. I gently rub her back to calm her down because it would be impossible to get anything out of her right now. Slowly, her sobs turn into sniffles and she shows her face. She rubs her hands underneath her eyes to get rid of the trials left from the tears. With this done she turns her attention back to my question.

"Ana, you wouldn't believe what has happened! When you didn't come home yesterday I got worried like the loving sister that I am and demanded our parents to find out what's going. The funny thing was that they weren't shocked or surprised. They simply just brushed me off and went on their merry way! Can you believe that?" Outrage in her voice, I now felt terrible but I didn't know half the stuff I know now than before.

I swallow hard and say timidly, "Kat, you should know that I didn't come back here because you were right about Kale. I learned quite a bit about what has been happening that you need to know. I can't tell you everything for your own safety but don't get anger. I'm doing this for you, for us."

Her face showed a mix of displeasure and inquisitiveness. Seemingly mulling over being either mad or question me for answers. Her gaze brightened and she said, "Alright lil' sis what do you have?"

I guess this is my lucky day! Remember sarcasm runs miles for your personality

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2012 ⏰

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